NASCAR Penalizes Kasy Kane


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Charles Perdue

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2005
Nascar is going to penalize Kasey Kane for his post on twitter about a woman breast feeding her child in a supermarket, him saying that it was nasty.

NASCAR's penalty is no ****s for Kasey for the first half of the season. :) :) :)
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Again typical American...

A right of own opinion, true.

But the reaction of Nascar is way out of limits.

Here in Europe its quite normal to breast feed a young born everywhere and anytime you want. The women do it a little private as far as possible.

But to say thats its nasty...America, grow up. We are almost in the year 2012.

Btw, I think this is for the Off topic forum...
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Don't turn this into an "America vs Europe" deal . Basically Kasey Kane is an idiot for "tweeting " in the first place and Nascar proves how trite they are for caring .

At least we can run as much NITRO as we want here in the USA ! :D
Don't turn this into an "America vs Europe" deal . Basically Kasey Kane is an idiot for "tweeting " in the first place and Nascar proves how trite they are for caring .

At least we can run as much NITRO as we want here in the USA ! :D
Absolutely right.

I was not trying to make it America vs Europe, just saying how amazed I am about America. A land where everything is possible, in some sort of way.

Laws and rules and rights, man ... totally different then Europe. Maybe Gabe knows what I am talking about.

And while you can run nitro, do it..........

Lets run some boats...... ;)
I know what you mean Ron.

However, my wife breast feeds exclusively, in public or not. I secretly look forward to the day that someone spouts off about her breast feeding in public, I can guarantee they will be picking themselves off the floor. If breast feeding isnt the most NATURAL thing in the world, then I dont know what is.

Kasey Kane is a simplistic mental midget. He has that right.

Nascar is for sure a joke for doing what they did. Nascar went the way of idiots many years ago, so this is no surprise.

You can run as much nitro as you want in Europe too Tom... You just have to take out a second mortgage on your house! :D
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Maybe it was WHO was breast feeding and not especally the act of the actual breast feeding.... :) Was he at a Walmart?

(who ever thought we would be posting about BREASTfeeding here?)

There I typed the "B" word THREE times :)
Hey guys, it was just a JOKE. I thought that it was funny. Did not intend on starting a war........

Besides, I have nothing against Breast feeding, I love Breast feeding. :wub:
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I am not trying to offend anyone, its just my opinion.

And I agree with James, the most natural thing.

Nascar. I don't know much about it, since I don't have time to watch and not very interested in it.

Lets stick to boating.........
My 2cents: What are the chance that Kane was breast feed as a infant??? Or Maybe he has NOT been Breast feed in a While.....!!!! :p :p :p

As for nascar...........Have you seeen the Hellton Lately.............He has a lot of milk to go around!!!! :eek: :eek: ;)
I've enjoyed following the nascar guys on twitter. i'm guessing after this most of them will stop.

I love the sport..... i'm not sure it is being managed correctly.
I would have thought that after NASCAR hit Denny Hamlin with that large fine last year for something that he posted on twitter that the drivers would be more careful.......
Bottom line is ... all this electronic social networking/marketing stuff is destroying the careers on MANY people big and small. Best to be safe. Of course unless one does not care :)
Maybe it was WHO was breast feeding and not especally the act of the actual breast feeding.... :) Was he at a Walmart?

(who ever thought we would be posting about BREASTfeeding here?)

There I typed the "B" word THREE times :)
Are you suggesting it could have been a Walmartian :)
Yeah, we sure wouldn't want to piss off a big sanctioning body with so-called family values whose president is cokehead and sweeps bigger issues under the table than a rant about seeing a little ****. Maybe he needs to stay out of the infields at the tracks where a lot of them are flashed! Gee, he never complained about those!