nascar gen6


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With a primary and a back car at the race and 5-6 more in the shop. Also the strides made in safety, think they really don't care. It's all about the Benjamins. B) ...==={}
Given the fact they are on the track that took Dale Sr. im sure no one wants to play tag.Looks like its going to be a white knuckle race
Nah, just somebody screwing up during practice.

Mike, Martin and Aric are both looking good so far. i don't know if Ralph has built any toy boats for his boy as we don't ever see anything about it. What's sad is that in interviews they always seem to talk about his grandfather but not about his father.

I'm taking off the day from making double-time to watch the race this year! This is my Superbowl Sunday.
anything's better than the two car tandem crap! I'd imagine Martin would agree with that :)

Hurray NASCAR is back. Now we can see some good racing. The music sounds better now it has a better beat.

Well ok then. I just thought we have several accidents..... Now teams don't want to even go out.

Great to see NASCAR back!
Tom, it looks like they want to save their cars for things like the race tonight as most are really close to having them dialed in.

What else is looking good as the cars seem to be running fine by themselves or in the draft without much difference in speed. This should help out with the pack drafting problems.
It does look good B) Looks like them boys have a lot of control with the new car! But also looks like they are sand bagging till the last few laps!!! Oh boy we are getting close :unsure: