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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
Ok guys there have been a few questions with regards to when the NAMBA Master Hull Roster will be published. I apologize for the tardiness on this but there are a couple of reasons for it. First I've been a little busy getting graphics orders done. Had to get those done asap. Two I was checking accuracy on some of the measurements of a couple of hulls including the new U-6 and the U-17. I have really accurate dimensions of the U-17 and some info on how the boat was built straight from the builder. I am missing one dimension on the U-6 but Mike Hanson assured me he will get that to me when he gets back to the shop very soon.

Plus there are a couple of existing boats that I was checking on as I was able to actually speak to the persons responsible for building the real boats and to confirm the actual dimensions. I thought one might have been off due to a controversy that had been brought up to me regarding one boat but that has been put to rest by the information I received. It will also add a couple of missing dimensions to two boats. Oh and actually there is a third reason and that is that there has been some changes and additions to the manufacturers contact page. These tasks have proved to be a little more time consuming than I anticipated but in my opinion it might be worth it to be a little late to ensure that it is as correct as can be.

This is going to be a real interesting task after this season as I am finding out that there are as many as four boats maybe more that may be returning to the circuit this year including the return of "Lucky" wearing the U-50 number. I'll keep ya posted.
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We Scale boaters appreciate all that you do. It's a very Thankless job maintaining that document, so I just wanted to say - - Thank You !!! CHEERS !!! Bob Johnson
" I was checking accuracy on some of the measurements of a couple of hulls including the new U-6 and the U-17. I have really accurate dimensions of the U-17 and some info on how the boat was built straight from the builder. I am missing one dimension on the U-6 but Mike Hanson assured me he will get that to me when he gets back to the shop very soon. "

Mike, what year U-17 is it your working on ? The 85 tunnel hull by chance ?
No Tom the new U-17 that ran in Seattle last year. That and the new Oberto are the only two brand new hulls that I was adding to the MHR. What was it you wanted to see with the '85 U-17? Other than the fact there are none....hehehe.
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