I do a ABC 40 x 53 B/C and it runs very well also.
They have just 1 mm less pitch than the 1440's.
Glenn really liked the way the ABC propeller responded
also. The cupping can be reduced a little bit more and
it will still be fast at the top. You should be able to
drive it in traffic, maybe 3.00" is the ticket on your set up.
Thanks For The Feedback,
I Like Happy Customers!!!
Mark Sholund
I do a ABC 40 x 53 B/C and it runs very well also.
They have just 1 mm less pitch than the 1440's.
Glenn really liked the way the ABC propeller responded
also. The cupping can be reduced a little bit more and
it will still be fast at the top. You should be able to
drive it in traffic, maybe 3.00" is the ticket on your set up.
Thanks For The Feedback,
I Like Happy Customers!!!
Mark Sholund