Race turned out great after the friday testing rain out, which I really needed to get rid of more gremlins in the boats.
I managed to get 2nd in T boat and Sport 40 with alot of help Im sure. Timex gremlins took out the throttle servo and died in the first round I didn check that and it was still dead when I try to start the second round. Won the consi rerun and got third in the Final Duke had Brian beat for 5 3/4 laps but Brian got him passed in the last corner for the final win.
Kenny you didnt tell them about the excitement in the scale Consi race. James Ellet boat started making 200 foot circles out of control around the right end of the course, kenny says wild boat, stop the heat race bring in the boats, we had two left running but were scared to park at the launch area and be a target HA. Lucky for Jame the boat went up on the bank into the grass with slight damage. So we got to run the Consi agian and I won the scond one too.
We have a new old trophy for High Points with two boats. Trophy goes back to Memphis days and Bill Mcgraw.
Cliff Zeek won it with his fast monos only 50 points from two perfect scores.