Joe and company...the little twin 80boys would like to challenge the big block boys in one of the BEST lakes in florida, this race will be run by some of the most experienced r/c boaters out there...great oppurtunity to see whos really on TOP!! Be there if u dare in mid january "winternats" 2013..lots more secret testing going
on at our lake to prepare for this race...dont leave ralph alone for this one...
local twin 80"s people
6)rich moore
Well Brett, The Roadrunner TWIN RS101 TEAM Boats Have been Busy Racing!! 2012 Atlanta Georiga Spring Nationals: Winner: RALPH (da boss) ALMIROLA... 2012 Evansville Indiana Little Thunder: Winner:
JOE (Wild man) WARREN... 2012 Huntsville Alabama Gene Taylor/John Hall Memorial: Winner JOSE (Hose A) ORTIZ... 2012 Evansville Indiana Jack Kolmyer: Winner: CHARLES (Burger) SIMMONS.... And JULIAN (Chick Magnet) CONDE reset the IMPBA TWIN Record on the short coarse Just before he went back to the Sand Box over seas........ All of these Wins & Victories have been with the Current CMB RS101 Engines!!!!! Careful what you ask for Son.......... We invite You Up Anytime to GET SOME!!!!!!!