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Monos are far from dead in florida alot of nitro and gas boats Robert
Here in D12 for many years mono's were the dominate classes with loads of 20,40 60 monos and several 90's. Many different hull types represented and some really good racing. I dropped out for a fews years from 2001 to 2005 and was amazed when I got back into the racing again that the nitro mono classes here in D12 had almost disappeared. The Gas Mono class was extremely large with lots of good racing the way

I remembered it in the nitro classes. We are now lucky to fill the 20 mono class with maybe 3 boats at a race and 40 mono might have 2-3 boats show up. We had just two races last year I can remember that had 2-3 / 60 mono's show up and race. I have yet to see in the last 2 years any 90 mono class races held here in D12. So here in D12 Steve Speas is correct with his statment that nitro mono racing is on the verge of becoming extinct unless more racers build and get involved in the nitro mono classes. Again the Gas Mono class racing is really great just like the Nitro Mono racing use to be here in D12. Note that not just the Mono Nitro classes are getting smaller but also the Nitro Hydro classes are also getting smaller. Gas boat racing seems to be the future of R/C boat racing here in D12 as the times have changed.
Could it be because you're having new racers showing up with other boats or are the people that used to run nitro monos moving up to other classes?
Note that not just the Mono Nitro classes are getting smaller but also the Nitro Hydro classes are also getting smaller. Gas boat racing seems to be the future of R/C boat racing here in D12 as the times have changed.
FYI- the first classes to make full heats for the upcoming big Invitational race were all the nitro hydro classes, didn't make the first gas class until yesterday. :blink:

I will agree that in D12 the nitro monos are suffering greatly. I can remember not that long ago when the nitro mono classes were packed, but that was when guys would rather go hull to hull for 6 laps with boats that were fairly fast but more so consistent & predictable in how they handled. That was some of the most exciting racing to watch but once the faster but less stable monos came on the scene it seems it wasn't long before guys got tired of being faster but stuck with boats who's handling & finishing became increasingly inconsistent. Quote from a long time D12 mono racer- "what fun is it to race a boat that is running fine in clean water & all of a sudden just goes submarine for no apparent reason??" And it ain't the set up either as I've seen it happen to some of the most experienced & well known racers out there. Now it seems the monos have come full circle with the gas hulls, they are plenty fast enough to be fun, offering that same heart pounding, paint trading racing like it used to be and they handle well enough to finish their heats. I don't know how it is elsewhere but unless something changes & the nitro mono racers find a way back to when it was fun with a boat that is fast, will handle consistently & can finish all it's heats the nitro mono classes are all but on life support and fading fast at this point in D12. :(
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Could it be because you're having new racers showing up with other boats or are the people that used to run nitro monos moving up to other classes?
Ron, I think some of the 20 and 40 nitro mono guys might have considered moving up to the faster 60 and 90 mono classes but they really don't have a class to run in as there are not any boats signing up to race in these two larger engine displacement classes. Having enjoyed running the 60 and 90 mono classes for years it is awsome to see a good running mono racing head to head at over 60 plus mph in the 60 class and running 65+mph in the 90 mono class. I will say that it is quite a bit more expensive for the larger displacement engines and the fuel consumption goes up which also increases cost along with the glow plugs and after run maintaince requirements. I have seen a lot of former large engine displacement nitro mono drivers switching to the gas mono class I guess based on costs. I personally got out of and sold or or swapped my nitro boats / engines so that I could race in the gas mono class which is very competitive here in D12. The racing reminds me of the earlier days of racing nitro mono classes which were truly a lot of fun. I will say that the up front cost of the gas mono set up is a little more expensive, but the operational and maintaince costs are a lot less than the nitro mono's I have owned.
I hate seeing posts like this but I certainly understand whyit was created .

I think that every district has it's classes that are weak, here in D-1 it's the big hydros :( .

I think it is just a matter of us racers spreading ourselves to thin , go back a few years when we had thirteen maybe fourteen classes.

Plenty of options and lots of great racing.

Now we have

Sport tunnel

Stock tunnel

Modified tunnel



90 Tunnel

sport hydro





open hydro





open mono

sport 40

1\8 scale




open cat

and I am sure I missed something not to mention all the gas classes that are offered at a race.

It is probably safe to say that the number of classes have trippled since the early nineties but the number of races has not changed.

Tim K
Don, I respectfully disagree with you. For years I have raced Monohulls. Everything from Prathers, Sightlers, Youngbloods, Twincrafts, Shadows, AC Models, Microbursts, Speedmasters, and Seaducers. All of them were great boats but I must say every now and then you can come across a bad hull. I admit Monohull racing now days is different. I remember the old days when it was all about hitting each others boats for survival to win. That was not fun. Gas Mono is good and it is coming along strong. I have raced the above hulls in every category and configuration and from my experience I prefer the racing we are doing now days. What we need is more brand names so that we can run against other "Brand X" boats. Good monohull racing is "neck to neck" racing within inches of each other in true narrow lanes. The hull allows for that type of racing, but that type of racing causes many DNFs. It has always been that way in Monohull racing. I see no difference other than boats that are faster that require drivers that can handle racing at higher speeds. Don, are you getting old. If you are, welcome to the Club.
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Don, I respectfully disagree with you. For years I have raced Monohulls. Everything from Prathers, Sightlers, Youngbloods, Twincrafts, Shadows, AC Models, Microbursts, Speedmasters, and Seaducers. All of them were great boats but I must say every now and then you can come across a bad hull. I admit Monohull racing now days is different. I remember the old days when it was all about hitting each others boats for survival to win. That was not fun. Gas Mono is good and it is coming along strong. I have raced the above hulls in every category and configuration and from my experience I prefer the racing we are doing now days. What we need is more brand names so that we can run against other "Brand X" boats. Good monohull racing is "neck to neck" racing within inches of each other in true narrow lanes. The hull allows for that type of racing, but that type of racing causes many DNFs. It has always been that way in Monohull racing. I see no difference other than boats that are faster that require drivers that can handle racing at higher speeds. Don, are you getting old. If you are, welcome to the Club.

Good monohull racing is "neck to neck" racing within inches of each other in true narrow lanes. The hull allows for that type of racing, but that type of racing causes many DNFs. It has always been that way in Monohull racing.

This is exactly what racing Mono's is all about and using good judgement to prevent DNF's. Knowing your competition, when to stick into a tight spot and when not to stick it in there. This is why I have always enjoyed racing Mono hulls because the heat is always on and the intensity level is very high. I always have enjoyed a good race even if I was racing head to head for 1st / 2nd or 3rd / 4th. I try to let my competitors know that at the end of the race that I enjoyed racing with them. THAT IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!!!!
Drew, you may want to talk to Tony Jacuzzi as he brought the "D" mono class back form near extinction to possibly the most exciting class in IMPBA D-2. Having a points series helped out immensely.It's never seemed to be a problem anywhere that I know of to put a "B" mono class together.

Dont take that the wrong way. The 2 day dist races draw 7-9 boats no problem(For B-Mono)- Its the one day series we run that is only 3-5 boat heats . The 20's are popping up left and right. Mostly newer boaters to the clubs-all good- Just dont understand why more arent making the jump to 40 mono affter running 20 mono ? There is not that much cost differance really when using competative equiptment. Usually after a guy/girl cuts their teeth in the 20 mono- the next step is elsewere , not the next motor size up for the same style hull. 20 to 40 Mono. By the way Im talking B-Mono in Namba/.45 -7.5 motors.

By the way sorry to hear about your problems at twincraft-

Lets stir the pot a bit- could it be the reason for less involvement in some of these classes is due to the fact that for nitro there is really only one hull MFG thats is a truely competative boat ?? Lets face it , how many different brand 40 mono's run at your club??
Don't worry .... we will be running a 40 soon.... :rolleyes:

May I enquire as to who the driver is?? You or the wife ??? How far out are ya ? Is it going to one of Ed's new hulls?? O'h the drama of it all -LOL . Cool , with yours and Eds wife's it gonna round out the class well. Damn , an old timer --- a wise azz --- the kid---- and three ladies- what a class this will be at the one days ...... Better make sure I get out front and stay out of the way. LOL ..
Drew, you may want to talk to Tony Jacuzzi as he brought the "D" mono class back form near extinction to possibly the most exciting class in IMPBA D-2. Having a points series helped out immensely.It's never seemed to be a problem anywhere that I know of to put a "B" mono class together.

Dont take that the wrong way. The 2 day dist races draw 7-9 boats no problem(For B-Mono)- Its the one day series we run that is only 3-5 boat heats . The 20's are popping up left and right. Mostly newer boaters to the clubs-all good- Just dont understand why more arent making the jump to 40 mono affter running 20 mono ? There is not that much cost differance really when using competative equiptment. Usually after a guy/girl cuts their teeth in the 20 mono- the next step is elsewere , not the next motor size up for the same style hull. 20 to 40 Mono. By the way Im talking B-Mono in Namba/.45 -7.5 motors.

By the way sorry to hear about your problems at twincraft-

Lets stir the pot a bit- could it be the reason for less involvement in some of these classes is due to the fact that for nitro there is really only one hull MFG thats is a truely competative boat ?? Lets face it , how many different brand 40 mono's run at your club??
Don't worry .... we will be running a 40 soon.... :rolleyes:

May I enquire as to who the driver is?? You or the wife ??? How far out are ya ? Is it going to one of Ed's new hulls?? O'h the drama of it all -LOL . Cool , with yours and Eds wife's it gonna round out the class well. Damn , an old timer --- a wise azz --- the kid---- and three ladies- what a class this will be at the one days ...... Better make sure I get out front and stay out of the way. LOL ..
As soon as wifey can go full throttle on the 20 boat.. It will be Blue whatever it is....I am a ways out.. first we have to get the Atlas going. :) I doubt it will be fast..Stoch everything as usual :p Get that thing propped up and don't get greedy..
As soon as wifey can go full throttle on the 20 boat.. It will be Blue whatever it is....I am a ways out.. first we have to get the Atlas going. :) I doubt it will be fast..Stoch everything as usual :p Get that thing propped up and don't get greedy..


Well the first part is handled, as far as the greedy goes, no promises, I would suggest taping my left thumb to the palm of my hand too keep me off the needle. LOL. You wanna pit for me?? By the way- Leave that Damn Atlas in the closet were it belongs..

Hi every one this is Jimmy with twincraft

Monos are not dead here !!

but twincraft boats. is trying to make a come back after i had a devorce. the ex hurt the company bad. and a few coustomers. I know one that i owe a boat to. as i found out it never got to him instead it went to the dump i found out. sorry to that coustomer. it was a red a white boat. will try to make it right when i find the address and get a boat made. as no boats have been made for a year or better now. i been trying to get out of debit thanks to the ex. and have not had a place to make boats. the web site will be updated as i can get the site redone.

sincerly Jimmy
hey jim threre are some twincraft molds in the dump in lancaster, pa. also! i have one 46 in. boat left running with a stock zenoah in it ,, goes like hell. glad to see you have survived too.

them ******* are nuts!

hang in there

I like model boating. Gas , Nitro, Hydro, Mono, Scale, Rigger. It don't matter. I must agree with a statement said earlier. There are too many classes. Twenty years ago there were 8 basic classes running hot in District 12. They were 20,40,60,90. Hydro and mono. Take 24 guys and you could fill all 8 classes with no problem. NOW.......with all the gas classes and the increase in tunnel classes and the same 25 guys can't make all the classes. The bottom line is.....The number of boaters is not growing, just the number of classes.
I like model boating. Gas , Nitro, Hydro, Mono, Scale, Rigger. It don't matter. I must agree with a statement said earlier. There are too many classes. Twenty years ago there were 8 basic classes running hot in District 12. They were 20,40,60,90. Hydro and mono. Take 24 guys and you could fill all 8 classes with no problem. NOW.......with all the gas classes and the increase in tunnel classes and the same 25 guys can't make all the classes. The bottom line is.....The number of boaters is not growing, just the number of classes.
John I agree with you, and I can remeber the days here in D12 you had to get your entries in early just to make the cut off limit for the boat counts at Greenbriar, Springfield and Chesapeake. the flyers use to note a 175-200 boat limit and we were usally full or close to it at most of the races. You have been around model boating a lot longer than I have and seen the hobby grow and then shrink back to only 45 to 50 boats at a race. Now with the interest in the gas boat classes the hobby seems to have grown again. Nice to see from 130 to 175 boats back at our races over the last 2 years. Great to have good racing again!!!!
OK Steve, if you think that mono's are dead, what is "alive"?

Are/were the mono's a springboard to other more advanced classes?

Although we really don't see anything in nitro for Cat boats, they seem to be somewhat strong in the gas classes. I've seen in in one year .21 OB tunnels going from a strong class to one that was barely getting enough boats to hold the class at district races. "D" OB tunnel and larger all but had the tombstone put up around here.