ML GP400 video


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Mike Luszcz

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
Just wanted to share this on IW as it was posted on OSE. Its a customers GP400 with a low cost power setup, and its screamin in the video. It also shows how the boat recovers from a bad hop and doesn't give up. From what was posted this is one of the first few runs. Mike

and another customers..His is running strong as well, both run hard through the turns!

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Holly cow,.. Now I'm going to have to go back to working my SX400.. those boats rock man!!! putting up alot of water in the turns,.. I wonder if the TF has the TE a bit too high..

I dunno, but it turns like a rigger so I would not even worry! No major amount of speed seems to be scrubbed in the turns.
It was a Himodel 200a esc, Leopard 40x92 motor (if I remember right), on 6s.

Got this email from a couple customers of mine. Joe Scarpino is the guy that makes the awesome boat stands, and him and his friend both own the version 1 GP310 hulls, set up with a UL-1 motor...This is what they had to say!

Hi I wanted to let you know Joe Scarpino and I have be killing everyone with your P spec sport hydro in District 20. The last two races I have not been beat (all 1st). Joe has already started on his SX400 and I will start soon. I love your boat.


Thanks, Joe Weilnau
FE boats Anthony, they can run theirs further back due to overall weight differences.
Here is a video of some club racing. 2- GP335's and a Phil Thomas hull battle it out. The Purple and white GP335 is the one I owned, and is on my website...glad to see its getting to races and enjoying itself! That looks like a ton of fun! The PT hull was definately a little faster down the straight, but man, that 335 would reel him in through the turns! Best video I have seen yet of the GP's running! Mike
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WOW.. serious racing there,. rough water too.. That PT boat was prop only I think on half the back stretch!!

All boats seemed balanced really well. very rough water..
MIke, how did you find that video so fast, we just posted it today? Chuckle. That was a crazy fun race our club was having just this last weekend(Saturday). All of those boats 2 GP335's and the PT are just flat going full out. It was a very choppy day so difficult conditions with a fair amount of wind. I was driving your old Purple boat and I must say the boats were so competitive that it really was decided by who did the best driving. I have your Purple boat going about 66mph in smooth/ripple water. I clocked that race with a gps and was showing low 60's because of the chop. If you look hard at my GP335 compared to the Todd's GP335 you will see his is more planted on the water in my opinion. I think he is carrying about 3lbs more weight in the hull which is all in the foam he used in the sponson's. I think that addtional weight gives him some more stability, but that is just my theory at this point. Thinking of adding some weight in my hull to see what happens. You are right about the turns. We had some great races in both P and Q class. The club also raced N2 hydro's and P Mono's that day. We went from 9am - 6:30pm . A very fun day.

The guy who owns the PT has been racing for many years and all of his boats are very dialed in and crazy fast. He has been unbeatable for the most part until recently! He still wins more often than not because of driving skill.
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Jim, I keep a close watch on the people that run my boats! I don't get to race much if ever, and I depend on the feedback I get from guys like you. I am always looking to see if there are compliments or complaints so I can listen to the people out there getting to race. The compliments about the GP hull have been good, but there have been some comments that made me go ahead and do a Version 2 of all the GP kits that should help make a good hull even better. Same with the O/B tunnel boats, I listened and learned and made the changes people wanted to see! I am positive if he has 3lbs more, he is definitely gonna be more stable and planted. I would look into that with lead weight strips wrapped in velcro. Mike
Great video! Jim or Mike,what are the specs on those boats? Motor/esc/batteries. If you have that info. Thanks.

Joe, In the videos I have posted in this thread, you are looking at the GP335 which is 33.5" and the GP400 which is 39.5". The GP335 is designed for mod .21 nitro or Full P FE (4s lipo power with whatever motor you want to throw at it), and the GP400 is designed for mod .45 nitro or Q FE (6s lipo with whatever motor you want to throw at it). I also offer the GP265 which is 26.5" for .12 nitro or N FE (2s lipo), and the GP310 for stock .21 or mod .21 nitro or P-limited FE (4s lipo with a few limited can size motor choices per the rules).

The GP335 that I did testing with ran a Neu 1521 1.5d 1860kv motor, Castle hydra ice 240 esc, and 6600mah Hyperion 4s lipo.

The GP400 I tested ran with a Neu 1527 1.5d 1500kv, Castle hydra ice 240 esc, and 8400mah Hyperion 6s lipo. Others have been using the Neu 1527 1y 1250kv motor on 6s tho.

Hope this helps! Mike