I hate to post this, but it is bothering me a little. I have had some questioning about the price of this kit. I cannot determine how much the gp265 will be until its completely setup on the cut grid in final form. It may come in less that $125.00, and that could be a lot cheaper, I just don't know yet.
I understand the whips might be cheaper, but when you compare a whip kit/ cowl/shipping vs. the GP310, GP335, and GP400 kit/cowl/ shipping there might be a $10-20 difference total. There is not even a whip 12, whip 33.5", or a whip 39" for that matter to compare apples to apples. I don't really know what to say. There is also a ton of new technology in these kits that works, and works damn well and I will leave it at that. I might be over steping my bounds but it gets to you after a while, especially when the kit is the cheapest part of the whole finished hull! Mike