Miss Budweiser Hull Differences?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2006
Okay, I'm curious as to whats the difference in these boats? I believe the T4 hull was a tri-wing hull. So what's the difference between T5 and T6?
Okay, I'm curious as to whats the difference in these boats? I believe the T4 hull was a tri-wing hull. So what's the difference between T5 and T6?
They both have similar configuration of the cowl and wings. the T6 had sponson steps, front and rear.

I am sure the Bud experts will fill in the blanks.
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Okay, I'm curious as to whats the difference in these boats? I believe the T4 hull was a tri-wing hull. So what's the difference between T5 and T6?
Are you getting ideas???lol!!!
I've always got my eye on something! Trying to figure out which year/hull contained the non-script Budweiser graphics. I guess I could look at graphics sites to see what year they list?
from the best I can tell, the 95-96 Miss Bud was the last years featuring the non-script (italicized) Budweiser lettering. If anybody knows otherwise please correct me and pics would be a huge help. Thanks, Chris
from the best I can tell, the 95-96 Miss Bud was the last years featuring the non-script (italicized) Budweiser lettering. If anybody knows otherwise please correct me and pics would be a huge help. Thanks, Chris
You might want to contact Hgatchens. I don't think there is anyone that knows more than he does about the Budweiser fleet
As far as I know Formulaboats.com has bought them both since Budweiser quit sponsoring. The T5 had shoes in the rear and T6 not.
I believe the T-6 does have rear shoes. Regardless this is one for Harry Gatjens as he is a walking wealth of info on the turbine Bud boats!! :)
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Okay, I'm curious as to whats the difference in these boats? I believe the T4 hull was a tri-wing hull. So what's the difference between T5 and T6?
Are you getting ideas???lol!!!
I've always got my eye on something! Trying to figure out which year/hull contained the non-script Budweiser graphics. I guess I could look at graphics sites to see what year they list?
The 2000 T5 had the block lettering, I think it changed in 01.

I have the T5 kit and Welsys graphics has the lettering,

The pictures of the T5 at Evansville 2000 come with the kit if someone wants the scale details for the BUD T5.
Okay, I'm curious as to whats the difference in these boats? I believe the T4 hull was a tri-wing hull. So what's the difference between T5 and T6?
Are you getting ideas???lol!!!
I've always got my eye on something! Trying to figure out which year/hull contained the non-script Budweiser graphics. I guess I could look at graphics sites to see what year they list?
The 2000 T5 had the block lettering, I think it changed in 01.

I have the T5 kit and Welsys graphics has the lettering,

The pictures of the T5 at Evansville 2000 come with the kit if someone wants the scale details for the BUD T5.
To start with, There were two T-5 hulls to start with. The second T5 that Hydroplanes Inc built was was cut up and sold. That is the hull was was made into the last TREADWEST HULL that Ron Brown Built. The first but secound T5 hull was the rebuilt T3 hull, The T6 hull was built new from the ground up. Looking at hulls side by side there are many changes that most do not see. But, the big change on the T6 are the bottom and the air reliefs along with the Non trips all being differert. The T4, both T5 and the T6 hulls Do not have a center section offset along with the T5 and T6 both have the inside transom relief. With the T4 hull have both L & R transom relief. Doug
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good info, I put an email into Phil and Harry about Bud Boats also. Thanks for all the replies!
All the boats had the block lettering before 2001. That is when the logo was changed to the script style.

The T4 was of course the two wing boat that only raced once in an actual race. Limiting fuel flow reduced the horsepower to the point that these multi-wing hulls didn't have enough power to properly lift the boats in order to have a safe ride. I spoke with Chip Hanauer about the boat last Friday since I just purchased one from Mikey. To my dismay he just kind of wrinkled his nose and said that it was a terrible boat. The boat did have the script lettering on it when it was used as a display boat. The boat was ultimately sold to Bill Wurster, was reconfigured and is now the current U-37.

It is hard to say anything definitively about the configurations of the T-5 and T-6. Each year they were changed as they tried something on one of them and then if it worked they changed the other to match. Hence the conflicting info in this thread about shoes etc. At one point they had them at another they didn't. In the end they were close to identical from any aspect that would matter to a model boater.

The t-5 as Doug Shepard correctly states was actually built twice. The original center section was cut out and sold, then a new one built and the sponson canoes attached. The T-6 was a new hull. The T-3 was rebuilt but remained the T-3 throughout it's career, until sold to Ken Gregory and was last year's U-10 Hoss Mortgage. At the time it was sold Mark Smith said it was probably 2 mph slower than the T-5 or T-6.

Also, as has been stated here, the T-5 and T-6 were both sold and became the two Formula Boats now on the circuit.

All the boats went through so many changes I would have a hard time arguing with anyone about any particular configuration. Moveable front wing, no moveable front wing. Sponson shoes, no sponson shoes, just kind of depends on what year and what race.

I think both Phil Thomas and Steve Gualtieri both make excellent hulls if you want to build one of these. Steve's is the older T-3/T-2 design and Phil's is the later post 95 version. I think Doug may also make this although I am not certain. Be careful with Graphics however, I know of at least one graphic guy who's stuff is not correct, has the lettering at the wrong angle. I get mine from the people who did the real boat so, while a little more money, I know they are right. Not commneting on Wesley's stuff here, he is not the one I am referring to as being wrong. If you want to now who, you need to write me directly as I don't want to get into any kind of a flame war with the person.


Pic is from 2000

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good info, I put an email into Phil and Harry about Bud Boats also. Thanks for all the replies!
All the boats had the block lettering before 2001. That is when the logo was changed to the script style.

The T4 was of course the two wing boat that only raced once in an actual race. Limiting fuel flow reduced the horsepower to the point that these multi-wing hulls didn't have enough power to properly lift the boats in order to have a safe ride. I spoke with Chip Hanauer about the boat last Friday since I just purchased one from Mikey. To my dismay he just kind of wrinkled his nose and said that it was a terrible boat. The boat did have the script lettering on it when it was used as a display boat. The boat was ultimately sold to Bill Wurster, was reconfigured and is now the current U-37.

It is hard to say anything definitively about the configurations of the T-5 and T-6. Each year they were changed as they tried something on one of them and then if it worked they changed the other to match. Hence the conflicting info in this thread about shoes etc. At one point they had them at another they didn't. In the end they were close to identical from any aspect that would matter to a model boater.

The t-5 as Doug Shepard correctly states was actually built twice. The original center section was cut out and sold, then a new one built and the sponson canoes attached. The T-6 was a new hull. The T-3 was rebuilt but remained the T-3 throughout it's career, until sold to Ken Gregory and was last year's U-10 Hoss Mortgage. At the time it was sold Mark Smith said it was probably 2 mph slower than the T-5 or T-6.

Also, as has been stated here, the T-5 and T-6 were both sold and became the two Formula Boats now on the circuit.

All the boats went through so many changes I would have a hard time arguing with anyone about any particular configuration. Moveable front wing, no moveable front wing. Sponson shoes, no sponson shoes, just kind of depends on what year and what race.

I think both Phil Thomas and Steve Gualtieri both make excellent hulls if you want to build one of these. Steve's is the older T-3/T-2 design and Phil's is the later post 95 version. I think Doug may also make this although I am not certain. Be careful with Graphics however, I know of at least one graphic guy who's stuff is not correct, has the lettering at the wrong angle. I get mine from the people who did the real boat so, while a little more money, I know they are right. Not commneting on Wesley's stuff here, he is not the one I am referring to as being wrong. If you want to now who, you need to write me directly as I don't want to get into any kind of a flame war with the person.


Pic is from 2000
Thanks Harry for the great post. It is very much greatly appreciated.

Don't be dismayed about the T-4......Although the full size hull was not Chip's favourite, in the model form it will be a different story, I'm hoping?????

I too have one, almost ready for clear and then rigging.....hoping to have it ready in a couple weeks and for the northwest championship race.....


Thanks Harry for the great post. It is very much greatly appreciated.

Don't be dismayed about the T-4......Although the full size hull was not Chip's favourite, in the model form it will be a different story, I'm hoping?????

I too have one, almost ready for clear and then rigging.....hoping to have it ready in a couple weeks and for the northwest championship race.....


Perhaps we can prove him wrong by racing each other in the final.

Budt4 1995.jpg
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This thread is turning out awesome! Anyone else with Bud boats please post pictures!!! From what I've seen out of today's 67 engines (namely CMB), I'm thinking you guys shouldn't have to worry about any problems as far as hp or lack thereof. Personally I'm more interested in the standard hull configuration as I am by no means an expert on hydro setup. The pic that Harry has is a pic of the boat I want, I still to this day prefer the block lettering much more to the script style. Anyways, keep the pics coming!!!

Thanks Harry for the great post. It is very much greatly appreciated.

Don't be dismayed about the T-4......Although the full size hull was not Chip's favourite, in the model form it will be a different story, I'm hoping?????

I too have one, almost ready for clear and then rigging.....hoping to have it ready in a couple weeks and for the northwest championship race.....


Perhaps we can prove him wrong by racing each other in the final.
Wouldn't that be a thrill!!!!!!
That was a great looking boat, I don't know if you remember me or not Mike but I talked to you a little about it at the Madison race. I was hard presed not to buy it.