Hey guys.... did some more time at Marty's tonight..... after spending all day looking/applying/seeking shelter for a base of operations.... prospects are narrow, and we are examinining avenues we never thought necessary to even gain a new place to at least begin.... NONE..... i'm going to use space to hand out a champion award to Marty Slater... not only has he given me direction, but continues to do anything in his control to keep me in one piece....... notwithstanding a work schedule, he's accomplishing tasks needing done, without time of task, in mind..... his family's patience and understanding have been incredible......
Z, thanks man..... i knew you'd come big.... it's in your soul.......
i'll again, express thanks, to all who have donated, emailed, and just plain given me hope...
Basic proirities need to be met, the government isnt there for us, and THIS forum, and you people, are the exponential highlight of each day.......
"Strike" teams had 2 injuries inspecting homes not half flooded of my caliber, and suspended clearance operations in all sectors, causing near riot situations everywhere I was today..... it's fever pitch, and, they had better get off their ass...... homeowners including me, incurring further damage, mold growth, and putrid rotting stench, as each hour goes by, as we WAIT...... while, being righteous about these two men, and minor injuries, i'd hope they can return to thier homes after a tetnus shot, and treatment......
i didnt deal overly with any sunglassed idiots today, after we were told at the checkpoints, of cancellation.... weapons drawn on a man, that insisted on breaking the perimeter, will make national news...
i'd like to say.... i got weapons too..... but you know.......dead people stink, and we got enough to go around....
Humor?... give me some....
regardless, what you people are accomplishing, and have accomplished, to date, surely will forever be a part of me....
Racing.... I will try........
a few short notes, and gone..... Bruce... good luck man, short on cash will be the future for me, too......
Swirls! Man, if don's old dial up would take chat, you are what i need, and thanks brother....... the toilets in OZ do spin opposite of ours.........be careful, i could now, possibly swim over there.....
Walt, did yours crest 11 feet over when theytold ya 2 feet too?.... shame on them..... i feel for ya man, only, i'm dropping my house in the hole personally, and then the bank can have it........
Larry youve been quite frequent on here, and i'm throwin out a thought to you man..... shook your hand, at the milan race, and you rate, brother....... discussion of marty and i makin your race, were in thought.......
i've forgotten people, and i'm sorry...... One team, rising above all, and showing me the way.... John, and Brenda Knight......
God Bless you all..... ..... please send baby wipes... fema says they work.... 'cause they need something that works....... mike