In D-8, we have a hobby expo in February where there are usually boating groups with tables set up. They usually have fliers available, videos playing, boats on display and people to talk to but, like any other activity, many people are driven away by the cost of getting into the activity or by the way it's presented by the people manning the booth. I'm not saying the people representing the organizations don't try hard because they do. A few years back, I was at the expo and heard two people talking about a crash at one of the regattas and how badly a boat was damaged while the video showed boats flipping during a race. It was easy to see the reaction of some that were nearby as they steared clear of that booth by a fairly large distance. As already stated, word of mouth and videos can be powerful tools, but they can also be a way to shoot ourselves in the foot if the information given, whether intensional or not, is of a negative variety