Looking to get back into racing want Tunnel Hull laser kits


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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2003
If I can afford it next year I am looking at getting back into racing, not with ERCU but with the Puget Sound fast electrics. I and am interested in two classes one is LSH and the other is the Tunnel boats they are running. does anyone know of a laser cut kit for Tunnel hull boats around the same size as the aquacraft TS2?

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If I can afford it next year I am looking at getting back into racing, not with ERCU but with the Puget Sound fast electrics. I and am interested in two classes one is LSH and the other is the Tunnel boats they are running. does anyone know of a laser cut kit for Tunnel hull boats around the same size as the aquacraft TS2?

Get the Aquacraft one, I have seen it in action and it's a beauty!
I like my shovel, it's been a great boat but it can't keep up with the pickle forks. It's been too sensitive to wind and waves. I think a hand made shovel built to handle the current speeds would be a hoot. B)