Looking for pics of Coors Lite U-100


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
I have a few but am looking for that perfect concourse pic. What ya got? Have a look in my gallery for pics. Any feedback welcome....Mike
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I have only one picture of the Coors Light boat without the wing. Phil sent me that one. Good luck finding any because that boat only ran two races. If you find any let me know. See you at the Nats in a couple weeks. KENNY
MikeyI have only one picture of the Coors Light boat without the wing. Phil sent me that one. Good luck finding any because that boat only ran two races. If you find any let me know. See you at the Nats in a couple weeks. KENNY
I have 2 without wings and one with.Someone gave me a couple but are too small. I have a program with a pic but its black and white.