The new engine seems to have more power and allows us to pull bigger props . Main difference is the crankcase , the crankshaft and the liner compared to the RS engine .
It is either we pull more prop....???? Or we think we pull more prop.....???? :huh:
You race 6.5 and now with no change you have to run 6.7.....????
Chuck ,
i cannot speak in terms of pitch but i can tell you this , we run 54mm props and with the evo type engine we can run 55mm ( and maybe more ) props . Its not thinking , it is so ,

Believe me
So your talking in terms of the new 3.5 Evo?
Or overdriving a 15cc Evo?
I was talking about the 15cc EVO
And yeppers , in FSR V .
I assume that , compared to the "improvement" we have that you guys will either run higher pitches or bigger props with the same "old" pitch .
The engine has more torque and easily takes the same props ,wich gives you the feeling being underpropped . From what i've seen , i don't think that there is an rpm improvement but i can't say this for sure as i haven't tested with the rpm meter in the boat and compared it to the RS .
IF i can say one "weak" point , its the crankshaft . There have been a few people who had a failure with the crankshaft ( once again , in FSR V ) but their problems seemed to be solved .
Chuck , i cannot say that Mauro was running this new engine at the WC , perhaps he had the insides in his Limited edition engine but thats something only Mauro can tell .
What has changed compared to the RS 91 :
Crankshaft ( has been made heavier )
Liner : has been changed in the outer diameter , inside diameter and piston are the same . 5 inlets , 3 exhaust
Carb is 13 mm
Crankcase has been changed , crankshaft can be used in the RS 91
That should be it i think .