large offshore cats?


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Apr 13, 2003
Hi, let me start off by saying that this forum is fantastic! After spending about 30 seconds lurking I had to register.

I'm looking for a large (69-84) inch catamaran hull but having a tough time finding the builders out there. No problem finding the monos but the cats seem a lot more scarce. I know of several--PIP, Joker, performance international (no longer?). There is one in particular I discovered a couple years ago, something like RCoffshore I believe, and it had some nice looking cats in this size but I can't find them anymore. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

I have one that I to hate a hard time getting, the shipping is a big factor with these big hulls. I have kikked around the idea of making a big cat but have not seen enough interest yet.
Hey thanks for the reply and nice pic. That is a good looking boat!

Looks like one of the cats from Precision in Perfection??

Yeah it is true these things are a bear to ship. Will cost you an arm and a leg but I think the reward from putting everything together is still worth it.

If you don't mind me asking what kind of power and hardware are you running? How about performance? Inquiring minds want to know!!

It is true these boats seem to receive less attention than the rest of the world. I'd love to find a forum either here or elsewhere dedicated to these monsters. They may not have the market share and popularity of others but they are radio control boats nonetheless.
Hey guys thanks for the info and links.

Hendrick--thanks for the link, I posted my question over there. We'll see if I get any response. Looks like a lot of big boat enthusiasm over there!

Jockey. Yeah I don't what the deal is with Performance International. Seems like they have been "under construction" for at least 3 years now. It's frustrating because I really took a liking to their 74" cat but now there is no way of contacting them. If you look under their F&Q page there is a thread for customers to interact with the company and to ask questions about their products. I noticed a couple of posters who sounded pretty upset because they were financially damaged by the company when they placed an order and never received a boat! What a scam...

Tin Quailor
Marine Specialities does make some big cats. Their website only shows them up to 50" but they might have plans for something bigger in the future. I'll call them later today to see what they say.

Is anybody familiar with Joker Boats? Website is and apparently they are under construction. Seems like I remember them in business not too long ago but can't remember for sure. They list an 84" cat supposedly out of production last summer. Looks awesome but not surprisingly I can't seem to contact them! This seems like an all-too-common problem with these big boat builders.
Nice find hendric.

You aren't kidding that blue cat is a monster! Don't even want to think about the cost to get that baby back to the US. Ouch on the pocketbook.

I posted over on the German powerboating website and have gotten a couple good responses, one from a guy in particular who has proved especially helpful. I'm right now looking at the MHZ cat (69"x19" and possibly one from a builder in the Dominican Republic.

Thanks to all who have chimed in.
I have that one on my hard drive and it gets me worked up every time I see it. Cant wait till I get to run my 75 incher :D


Are you really getting a 75 inch cat or just trying to get me worked up : :)

Seriously though that is a great little clip and it makes me want to get my project kicked into high gear.

Hey I'll be getting a 75" incher pretty soon too...
yes, that is you isnt it? Ben kinda a long day...

truly a fine lookng boat. BTW is that the one from mhz? Looks similar but looks a lot like the one from PIP as well?

Don't forget to post the pics and details when it's finished!!!