NASCAR NEWS BREAK!!!!!!!RAY THIS MAY BE TRUE... But You got to Stay Postive......... the Sponsors & the Media are Not going to put up with the Busch Boys Much Longer.... Sprint is not just sponsoring a car or a race They Got the entire Series from Coast to Coast. With todays Cell phones,text,twitter & YouTube, have sped up the delivery of BAD NEWS & STUPIDITY!! A Simple Personal Cell Video is what drew the attention to the abuse Kurt was subjecting poor ole Jerry Punch to...... Maybe they should have sent Jeff Hammon down to get the interview? The Boy would learn some Respect or get his head Busted like a Bad Zit......... Someone said maybe the Busch Brothers should start there own team so they can verbally abuse each other??????? Spencer Could cure his problem for NO CHARGE!!!Nascar keeps more secrets then the White House, with all the secret fines, bottom line is protect the "BRAND". Were have I heard that before. Both will be back with a spin on the "Bad Boy" image. Just another take on the "Have at it boys". Don't lose sight of the big picture, MONEY. Every wonder why the camera men are not told to pan the seats any more, cause there empty. :wacko:
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