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gil sonsino

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
After many years only building riggers with big blocks I was tempted to get a try to the Jae .12........yes it's an amazing boat with an easy building and awesome performance.....thanks to Zipp's crew for their effort to keep people buiding models.


htpp://www.grsboats.com.br for more details on this project
Gil, Went to your web site, Great Stuff! How well does the gas boat run with a big block nitro?
Hi David the big Jae went pretty well with the CMB101 ....low 80's......but I couldn't make more tests once the boat was sold to a customer that lives in another state so the last report was that the boat was turning heads there! The tiny brother showed the same great potential of the entire Jae's family.........let's see what happens with the new .12 G3 I will build for saw!


just to update my tests with the Nova .15 (3 ports) equipped with an O.S carb 4D(7,5mm bore).the boat ran very well with Prather 215 cup 2,6(best one) followed by the V937/3 and surprisingly with an Octura X442. good top speed (will measure next time with radar gun) and sharp cornering with all props and no loss of speed in turns .pipe lenght set at 7" (can be shorter) and fuel 40%..The "add" under sponsons made a big difference...boat seems to fly over water with improved handling ! ! more tests next week end and a video.
