Intlwaters Future


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Should guests be allowed to post or access our community?

  • Guests can post in and view our community

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Guests can only view our community

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Guests can not view or post in our community

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Ok there is a big mess going on over in the for sale forum. As the current care taker for Intlwaters I believe I need to make a decision. I don't see this question as just cut and dry. We have a problem and the solution is...... I see it as setting the tone for our future.

I see Intlwaters as a friendly community of people all bound together around a common hobby. So far we have been open to anyone that shared our intrests. I think only 2-3 people/ip's have ever been banned and only 1 person was ever completely disallowed to access our community. I'm pretty proud of that myself. It shows how great of a group we have here. Recently a lot of people have been taking a stance to keep people out of our community. This might be the right thing for our future due to our ever increasing size. But for me I still see it as a major change in the beliefs of our community as it has been for years.

So the question is, Should we continue to allow guests to post or view our community? Or should only registered members be allowed?

Closing our community to guests:

will keep SOME of the undesireables out

will keep some good people out that are not computer savy (problems with logon)

will change the way new and old members view our community

wont keep all the undesireables out

wont allow new boaters to "get their feet wet" in our community before registering

Maybe I'm over thinking this, maybe i'm not. Keep in mind going way back to when intlwaters first got a forum the #1 request was to allow guests to post.

So what should we do?
it would be nice if we let people write in and not register but have a note on the sale fourm that said only registered users can buy and sell.

my 2 cents, for what its worth ;) ;) ;)

Joel Hanson

I voted for the "Guests can post in and view our community" but twisting Not2bright's idea just a little, I suggest that guests can view and post in the forums but they shouldn't be allowed into the "For sale" section until they reach a certain number of posts, that is, become credible. And of course, the community should debate and decide on which "magic number" makes a person credible.

at our forum (xtremercboats) we changed it a year ago that only registered people can post, reading the forum is still allowed to anyone.
With growth comes change.What wasn't important when Intlwaters had 50 members is now very important with 1200+ members.When you are on the pond all by yourself the direction of travel ain't very important.Put six more boats out there all of a sudden the direction of travel becomes very important and necessary.

I really like Pauls[XtremeRcBoats] approach.

It is obvious that 99% of the people that use Intlwaters,use this forum to acquire and disseminate the positive about RC boating.What you are being forced to address here is the behavior of the remaning 1%.Having to use your time and the resources of this forum to babysit the remaining 1%,in itself,is in principle offensive to me but as this forum grows,I realize that at times it will be necessary for moderator intervention.

I really dislike any anonymous poster that uses the "seagull enginerring" approach for personal attacks.They fly into town,crap all over the forum ,and fly back out leaving a hell of a mess.

Now I don't have a problem with somebody that feels they have been wronged and feel a uncontrollable need to tell the world about their plight.I do however dam well do have a "big" problem with that person if they don't have the stones to take credit for their attack and sign it.

Now I will tell you how I really feel :D :D To hell with the literary donations of any anonymous[seagull] poster.

If you can't sign your name to it,choke on it! :angry:
Guests i feel shouldnt be able to post, or shouldnt be able to look in on the boards.

Its not that hard to become a member. If they dont want to become a member, then shouldnt be aloud to post.

Tom you have done a great job on this board.

Keep it up, and weed out the A$$HOLES

I have to back up Paul and tell it like it is , everyone can visit xtremercboats , only registered people can post things , i think thats the way to go . Sofar i haven't seen someone really getting upset by doing it this way .So , u know my vote ,

Viewing oki ,

posting nope , not inhere , not in the forsale thing .

Just one thing : registering doesn't mean u need to tell your lifestory , real name in the posting is more then enough .

Just my 2 eurocents

I'm havin' a flash back of my favorite Brady Bunch episode. Even Peter Brady had to sing "When it's time to change, you gotta rearrainge"...LOL

:lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol:
Let guest view the site..I have founds its always nice get to see what kinda of community you are joining before you register....if they want to chime in on something, ask a question, or buy and sell, make them register

Thanks for a GREAT site

I think that if you stop unregisterd members from viewing you will not bring in as many new members, and if you make it so everyone has to register to view you may get a bunch of registered members that never take part in the board.. I do like that guests can post here, but if it's a problem then i have no issue with logging in. (i never log out from home cpu) in fact this is the only forum i am on that you can be a guest and post.
I apologize for content getting out of hand in the "for Sale" column....Although I meant it, I am ashamed of what I posted, so I recently edited it for a "G" rating.

In any case: I think there is allot this community has to offer for members and non-members alike.

I don’t really like the thought that one would have to be a member in order to partake of some of the great info that can be found here. I have voted that guests can read....but have to be a member to take part in the community (post).

“This would also get rid of the accidental guest posting thing I experience every once in a while”
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I believe the best interest of this Forum would be to let Guest's view but not post until registered. That is the way I voted. I am on several forums that are setup this way. I don't like it when somebody starts trash talking hiding behind the "Guest" signature. It is very cowardly.

My .02 worth.

For what it’s worth

As a newbie to this forum and to R/C boating I think you should be able to view any forum so you can decide if it’s right for you, if they are even on the subject you are interested in. After reading a number of posts I decided that you guys where knowledgeable and friendly enough for me to want to be a part of this community. Yes, I think that if you want to be a part of something you should become part of it, by registering and becoming involved.

I am now a proud registered member learning all I can from your years of combined experience.

By reading the back posts I have learned a great deal.

Thank you


By the way if I can figure out how to log in anybody can :D
Welcome Mike to a great board and a great bunch of guys.

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There is a time & place for airing dirty laundry in public. Just not much of it. Or for that matter certain things should be done in more of a private arena. I personally discredit any post that a person can't sign there own REAL name to. As far as users requiring log in to post. GO FOR IT. Real Names will be the only way to effectively cure the sea gull theory. There are just too many annonymous mail services out there to hide behind some screen name. I have bought & sold a ton on the net. I have had on the most part good deals. I have also gotten the shaft. I also have a very good memory & will not go there again. LESSON LEARNED. Crap is everywhere you just have to learn to step arround it & if you can help another person stay out of it, great.
Well I'm one of the most heard voices here, so I think the poll says it all, the views are clear in my book,

Time fer a change Tommie :D

When I am out of town it is still nice to view the forum,but I think if someone

wants to make a post they should be a registered member. I don't think it is

fair to the forum or anyone reading it, if they can't see who wrote the different

postings. Why did we take the few minutes to register ourselves? We really

should let the poll above tell us what the members of this board really want.

Why else should we take a poll? There are a lot of valid points in the previous

posts,I think we should just let the majority decide in our democratic society.

Just My Thoughts,

Thanks, B)

Mark Sholund
hi guys, i just came over from that "other old board" where if you said anything that the nit wits in charge did not like you were gone.

i like being able to look before i buy...

steve speas

impba 6442
My dealings with MEMBERS in this community have been great. MEMBERS I said. I have bought engines, radio systems and one boat from several different members here. One of these people sent me a $300 engine even before they received my payment. That kind of deal just can't be expected from a "guest unregistered." There are a lot of great people here who come here for the information, the sharing of ideas, the deals, making friends and even the laughs. If you are not going to register and take part then don't expect much of a reponse when you only come here to sell stuff. And....expect someone to reply Buyer Beware if you are known for botching deals. Look back through the forums and you see where "guests" always come in to sucker punch others. Let them look around but don't let them take their cheap shots.


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