how many coat of epoxy you put on the outside of the hull? one or two coats? I got one on it two eagle builds going on.. the blackone is my boyfriends eagle..I'd mod to cowl scoop openning like the 87 miss bud.. this mod should help push more air into the hole opening to cool of the engine and help push the hot air out of the cowl..
I used Zpoxy finishing resin on my Pay N pak sport 20 hull, what I did was to just pour the epoxy over the wood and used a spreader to spread it around, any excess dripped off the edges, I wiped that off. . I let it set for a few minutes then went over it with a 2" wide brush to even it out. Then let it cure till the next day then sanded it smooth. I used 320 grit first, then wet sanded with 600 and got a very slick and smooth surface. Basically what you want is to fill in the grain of the wood and have a smooth surface ready for paint.