IMPBA Sport 20/40 2012 Rule Proposal, Author Needs Input Please


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This post form Arpil and still no rule change.That sad.And people building new boats this time of year.

Not totally up on all the fuss but don't forget you still have to drive it and keep it running...............there's a lot more to this game than where the strut sits!!!

the hull definition, that's as Mikey would put it a "spirit of the class" thing

Not totally up on all the fuss but don't forget you still have to drive it and keep it running...............there's a lot more to this game than where the strut sits!!!

the hull definition, that's as Mikey would put it a "spirit of the class" thing

DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner folks!
So i looked at the sp 20 rules an it said you can hang the strut of the back is that correct or did i read it rong?
you are correct on that one sport 40 is the only one to this point with the strut under the hull this may change soon we will know after

our meeting coming up very soon.

Sport 20

7. A strut width no greater than 3/8 inch wide may be mounted either under the hull or on

the transom with the farthest end of the drive dog, as measured from the transom not

extending out more than 3 inches.
Well guys has for the strut on the sport 40, the IMPBA Board have passed this rule now it's out for a one year trial.

This rule proposal is to allow the strut to be mounted either under the hull or on the transom of the

Sportman 40 Class Boat.

The Current rule reads as follows:

7. No part of the strut may protrude behind the transom of the boat, or have a width greater

than 9/16 inches or a length longer than 3 inches.

The proposed rule would read as follows: PASSED

7.A strut width no greater than 9/16 inch wide or a length longer than 3 inches may be mounted either

under the hull or on the transom with the farthest end of the drive dog, as measured from the transom

not extending out more than 3 1/2 inches.
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Mike the rest of the proposal will go out to the membership for a vote in the March Roostertail.

I just hope that we get MORE than 5 or 6% of the total membership to vote.

Kevin Sheren
Well guys has for the strut on the sport 40, the IMPBA Board have passed this rule now it's out for a one year trial.

This rule proposal is to allow the strut to be mounted either under the hull or on the transom of the

Sportman 40 Class Boat.

The Current rule reads as follows:

7. No part of the strut may protrude behind the transom of the boat, or have a width greater

than 9/16 inches or a length longer than 3 inches.

The proposed rule would read as follows: PASSED

7.A strut width no greater than 9/16 inch wide or a length longer than 3 inches may be mounted either

under the hull or on the transom with the farthest end of the drive dog, as measured from the transom

not extending out more than 3 1/2 inches.
Good job guys!