IMPBA Internats Update


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I'm not going to argue anything anyone has said about this. Whether they did this right or that wrong after a certain point does not matter. The one thing everyone needs to keep in mind is that there came a point that they thought they were going to loose money holding the race. If that happened the club members would be the ones footing the bills out of there own pockets.

That means Joe Smith who put the canopies deposit on his credit card is stuck.

That means Dave Jones who arraigned the banquet may have been stuck with that bill.

Even during good economic times that would be intimidating. During the current economic mess I would guess that was down right terrifying.

For the people posting "I want my Race" or "They can't do this" imagine having to go home and tell your wife and kids you just lost family money because a toy boat race didn't pan out.

So give it a rest.
Marty and DickThe nats in 1997 in Elmira went very well with very few problems. Maybe you don't like the desicion about cancelling this years nats and you both have that right. I don't think it is fair to trash our group about 1997 nats. I don't remebers either you not have a good time at the race. Pete Forcier has done alot for R/C in the Northeast for over 25 years. I doubt in that time there are 20 people that have work harder then he has for r/c boats. If you were at the 97 nats In Elmira Nats and had a good time pleae sent Marty and Dick an E-mail. If either you would like to discuss the 1997 nats this off the board please sent me an e-mail [email protected]

Dave Van Duzer
The '97 Nats went well in part because of the help received from people like Dick & John Finch but that was then and this is now so back to the current situation......

I posted the news of what was occurring straight up then sat back and watched. The one thing I keep seeing repeated is trying steer the "blame" onto the membership. Wrong answer, so now it's my turn.......

Marty was the first one to call it like it is. Taking on the Internats is a big time responsibility and requires lots of time, dedication and maximum effort for an extended period. It is not some "cash cow" to be sat on and milked. Compared to other more recent Internats done by other clubs the differences seem apparent, at least to me-

PROMOTION- what promotion? Other than the occasional posts here and there the promo and hype was basically zilch. This should have been on the forefront of topics constantly by various club members, the only person I saw trying was Bill Kozuck and to pin it on one guy is flat out wrong. Look at the successful bigger IMPBA races- Atlanta Spring Nats, Charleston Fall Nats, Hobart (a brand new race) the GasNats, what do they all have in common? BIG TIME hype and promotion from many angles, not like Mr. Schindler said "a tickle a month". This type of event needs to pounded on constantly, nobody contacted myself or the other I/W admins about pinning a nice blurb of the event at the top of the race forum as others have done in the past. Do a search of the aforementioned races and see how many and more importantly how often there are posts. You need to create the buzz, the need, the want to be there. Talk it up and constantly!! Tell about the site, the club, the attractions, the raffle prizes ...... which gets me to number 2......

RAFFLE PRIZES, SPONSORSHIPS AND DONATIONS- first off, who was the individual who saw it fit to send the "packets" out in December? The last thing anyone, myself included, is going to do is look at some mass mailed piece of paper asking for stuff just before Christmas, everyone is wrapped up with dealing with the typically insane demands of that holiday stretch. And even if it wasn't Christmas, sending out a form letter request then waiting to see what comes in ain't gonna cut it, I got one and tossed it aside. Why?? If someone wants something from my little boat biz they're gonna have to contact me directly and talk to me. There are plenty of those who have done just that in the past and I'm sure all can attest to my generosity when I'm able to do so. I've talked to numerous other suppliers who feel exactly the same way. Ya gotta work the sponsors BIG TIME just like the members. A number of years ago when I was still running the D.C. club I pounded on the doors of a few local businesses and got almost all of the classes sponsored for our district race to the point all race expenses, including the trophies, were covered. When that race was over the club was able to go out and purchase a BRAND NEW retrieve boat AND motor just from what was made off of a 2 day race! This is how it should be done, not banking on membership head count to get into profitability. The clubs who've hosted the Internats in the past and made a handsome amount of profit for their efforts did just that, ask them & I'm sure they'll share but the common theme is again to WORK it and the membership list of this years (former) host club shows a high body count so the work should have gotten spread around. Work, that reminds me.....

THE "RECRUITING" PHONE CALLS- I'm still trying to figure this one out. Also back in the dead of winter I received a phone call asking if myself and the other 4 or 5 names from my district this person rattled off would come up and work the event. Say what? While this individual will remain nameless I was floored at the request. No personal race invite and "while you're there could you maybe lend a hand", it was a "can you come work" request. I've recently found out I was definitely not alone in receiving that call so what was up with that?? One of the bigger clubs in that district trying to get others hundreds of miles away to come work the event?? There have been plenty of successful Internats done by smaller clubs all on their own so I'm still scratching my head over that one.....

BOTTOM LINE- is this gonna get a few people peaved? I'm sure it will but it's time to call a spade a spade and this trying to lay blame on the membership is a bunch of hooey. I'm convinced if this event had been approached differently, based on proven methods, it would have not been a "money loser" at even 100 boats which seems to be the "reason" to cancel.

That's how I see it like or not.

Flak jacket is now securely fastened in place....................

In reference to the 97 internats, This is what membership will DO, pitch in ,do whatever is needed to HELP make the organzation a Sucess! Texas club members went to Huntsville and Ft.Worth to help anyway they could, this is what it takes to make the whole orginaztion work. With outside membership help, every club benifts when putting on a national event. No one is saying they (the 97 club members) did a poor job.

Don is correct in his saying, HYPE,HYPE,HYPE the race, work the phones ,work sponsors do alot of work to build up the race event. Using this site and the JRCBD is 2 tools that can be used to keep the internats allways in the current events and in front of people logging on.


Is the IMPBA Internats for 2009 DEAD? Or is there a alternative?

IMPBA rule book,March 2006, states,, in E4 Sec.1 requirements, states that the International Regatta is to be held annually,during July-August

Since the club in Dist 1 has cancelled , what is the alternative? , another club ,the board of directors & membership step up and step in and provide a IMPBA Internats race for the membership.?

Again i say, this has been done in the past with great success. Since 1957 the IMPBA has had a Regatta, thru host clubs, board members, and membership, the board should STEP up, organize, call on other clubs , call on its membership and hold theIMPBA Regatta as per the rule book. Show true leadership.

Joe Dugas

IMPBA 9828

The board has been working very hard on a fix to the problem! If it happens you need to get your ENTRIES in ASAP!! Details to follow. It will be the same dates as it is now with a full size course. We will have an answer by Saturday. It will be posted here.

Kevin Sheren

IMPBA Persident
I want to be sure to clear the air on something....

I was not criticizing Pete or any individual members of that club. I was criticizing the CLUB as an entity. Only that there was a lack of promotion and maybe quitting too early.

The comments that everyone has made on this thread should be valuable information for any club considering hosting the Nats.

As for having fun at the Past Nats in Elmira, I had more fun than anyone. :rolleyes:

I sure wish that our Tampa Club had a little more seasoning, as we would consider the Nats, but not in the middle of the Summer. TOO HOT !!!
If we could amend the rules and maybe hold it in cooler months. A future Nats. down here in Florida would be more appealing to host. However we would have to rent construction lights to make the days longer. Our club has been fortunate enough to never have a curfew or noise issue, so running late would never be a problem :)
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I want to be sure to clear the air on something....
I was not criticizing Pete or any individual members of that club. I was criticizing the CLUB as an entity. Only that there was a lack of promotion and maybe quitting too early.

The comments that everyone has made on this thread should be valuable information for any club considering hosting the Nats.
You do realize that a "entity" like a boat club is nothing more than a very small group of individuals.
If we could amend the rules and maybe hold it in cooler months. A future Nats. down here in Florida would be more appealing to host. However we would have to rent construction lights to make the days longer. Our club has been fortunate enough to never have a curfew or noise issue, so running late would never be a problem :)

All rules can be amended.

The first step is someone writing up a change and submitting. The whole process is in the IMPBA rule book. It's really not that hard.

If we could amend the rules and maybe hold it in cooler months. A future Nats. down here in Florida would be more appealing to host. However we would have to rent construction lights to make the days longer. Our club has been fortunate enough to never have a curfew or noise issue, so running late would never be a problem :)


I seem to recall that a few years ago the internats was held in June but the date change had to be approved by the BOD. Much too hot here in Charleston as well during the summer months. Honestly been a blisterer for the past 3 weeks so summer heat has an early start. We have the Fall Nats here in the fall (Oct) so that cannot be impacted for us. And the World Tunnel Championships in early May so that would be a challenge too.

A time commitment from club members for a week of duty is honestly not possible. Much help would have to be imported to tackle any such endeavor. Not having the time trials portion would ease the burden but I understand the meaning of a US-1 title.
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The board has been working very hard on a fix to the problem! If it happens you need to get your ENTRIES in ASAP!! Details to follow. It will be the same dates as it is now with a full size course. We will have an answer by Saturday. It will be posted here.

Kevin Sheren

IMPBA Persident


This is good news to hear,i will await notice.

Bob Morrow
If we could amend the rules and maybe hold it in cooler months. A future Nats. down here in Florida would be more appealing to host. However we would have to rent construction lights to make the days longer. Our club has been fortunate enough to never have a curfew or noise issue, so running late would never be a problem :)


I seem to recall that a few years ago the internats was held in June but the date change had to be approved by the BOD. Much too hot here in Charleston as well during the summer months. Honestly been a blisterer for the past 3 weeks so summer heat has an early start. We have the Fall Nats here in the fall (Oct) so that cannot be impacted for us. And the World Tunnel Championships in early May so that would be a challenge too.

A time commitment from club members for a week of duty is honestly not possible. Much help would have to be imported to tackle any such endeavor. Not having the time trials portion would ease the burden but I understand the meaning of a US-1 title.
If the we had a lit course we could run the Trophey Trials into the night. Not a huge deal with one boat at a time.
"Only 100 entries?"

Is that 100 "entries" as in boats or 100 "entrants" as in bodies? 100 entries is brutal for a nats.

FE is always going to have lower numbers. I think it's because it's too complicated for the average boater. Not to mention it can be pricey. I still can't believe we've had guys show up with 17 classes to run in 2 days. Nutty.

It's likely not the clubs fault. It's a sign of the times. People are strapped. Our clubs anual gig has fluxuated over years too. The FE namba nats this fall might be the only national type race for FE this season. There's just no place to go right now. MMEU has never recieved funding from either organization for any event. Even when we had 522 entries in 2005. We had over $3000 in canopies alone. In the end we broke even. Nearly even at least. Our goal every year for 9 years running. It's only through the generosity of our vendor sponsors that we've managed to keep it going this long.

You guys can still save this event. You just need to figure out what the community needs. Couple that with a break even approach and it can be done.
Norm, just have your club submit their bid to Kevin Sheren with the dates you wish to hold the event if no other clubs have submitted a bid I'm sur ethe board would approve the bid the present board is not near the sticklers for sticking to the rules as the boards were in the past today board is much more flexible.

If we could amend the rules and maybe hold it in cooler months. A future Nats. down here in Florida would be more appealing to host. However we would have to rent construction lights to make the days longer. Our club has been fortunate enough to never have a curfew or noise issue, so running late would never be a problem :)
I want to be sure to clear the air on something....
I was not criticizing Pete or any individual members of that club. I was criticizing the CLUB as an entity. Only that there was a lack of promotion and maybe quitting too early.

The comments that everyone has made on this thread should be valuable information for any club considering hosting the Nats.

As for having fun at the Past Nats in Elmira, I had more fun than anyone. :rolleyes:

I sure wish that our Tampa Club had a little more seasoning, as we would consider the Nats, but not in the middle of the Summer. TOO HOT !!!
Hey Marty,

Jason and I had just as much fun as you did in Elmira :rolleyes:

Elmira put on a good show back in 97

Steve Pas
I want to be sure to clear the air on something....
I was not criticizing Pete or any individual members of that club. I was criticizing the CLUB as an entity. Only that there was a lack of promotion and maybe quitting too early.

The comments that everyone has made on this thread should be valuable information for any club considering hosting the Nats.

As for having fun at the Past Nats in Elmira, I had more fun than anyone. :rolleyes:

I sure wish that our Tampa Club had a little more seasoning, as we would consider the Nats, but not in the middle of the Summer. TOO HOT !!!
Hey Marty,

Jason and I had just as much fun as you did in Elmira :rolleyes:

Elmira put on a good show back in 97

Steve Pas

No you didn't.... B)
I want to be sure to clear the air on something....
I was not criticizing Pete or any individual members of that club. I was criticizing the CLUB as an entity. Only that there was a lack of promotion and maybe quitting too early.

The comments that everyone has made on this thread should be valuable information for any club considering hosting the Nats.

As for having fun at the Past Nats in Elmira, I had more fun than anyone. :rolleyes:

I sure wish that our Tampa Club had a little more seasoning, as we would consider the Nats, but not in the middle of the Summer. TOO HOT !!!
Hey Marty,

Jason and I had just as much fun as you did in Elmira :rolleyes:

Elmira put on a good show back in 97

Steve Pas

+1 on the fun factor.
I want to be sure to clear the air on something....
I was not criticizing Pete or any individual members of that club. I was criticizing the CLUB as an entity. Only that there was a lack of promotion and maybe quitting too early.

The comments that everyone has made on this thread should be valuable information for any club considering hosting the Nats.

As for having fun at the Past Nats in Elmira, I had more fun than anyone. :rolleyes:

I sure wish that our Tampa Club had a little more seasoning, as we would consider the Nats, but not in the middle of the Summer. TOO HOT !!!
Hey Marty,

Jason and I had just as much fun as you did in Elmira :rolleyes:

Elmira put on a good show back in 97

Steve Pas

No you didn't.... B)
I remember that is when Finch ,(I think), covered the Nat.s in the now demised RC Boat Modeler Mag. and the coverage was WELL done. Marty went home with the Excellence of Performance Trophy, and set a record in sport 40 with a fast Phil Thomas "Bat Boat"....I think.. LOL. That would most definatley be a FUN week. :) I am not sure but he may have even got the President's Cup... or maybe the Lefeber award too. :)
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We're working very hard here at PMBC to put on the 2009 Internats in four weeks. That was my first ever post. I was asked If I could do the same on JBD, I don't know how. I'm asking for help to spread the word to the other boards.

While we're on the subject. If you're interested in sponsoring a class contact Mike Laing email address is on the flyer...


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We are working very hard here at PMBC to put on the 2009 Internats in four week. That was my first ever post. I was asked If I could do the same on JBD, I don't know how. I'm asking for help to spread the word to the other boards.

While we're on the subject. If you're interested in sponsoring a class contact Mike Laing email address is on the flyer...



My hat is off to you guys for trying to make this happen. For this to be successful, the midwest has to support. Keep us posted on the entries, and you may see several entries.

Stu Barr CMB/Crapshooter Boats
PMBC Four days in, many hours invested, and The list of who's coming so far is updated. Oh by the way, PMBC will host the 2009 regatta and I hope to hand you the US-1.

Thanks to the many drivers, and sponsors who are getting on board,


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