I have no doubt that Andy has included all the trick stuff into a Mac and I have no doubt about the effectivenss of these "trick mods". I also have no doubt that other manfacturers like Picco. CMB etc are not holding back (for part failure concern) and try to come up with more power with each generation. That is exactly my point. Why modify a perfectly good stock engine when the manufacturer has already designed in what they considered the optimal settings?Look at a stock Mac 84 .......until Andy included all the trick stuff they have into a STOCK motor
I believe there is more to be gained by proper set up, blue print, check clearance, bearing fit, tuned pipe and prop etc. as already mentioned in some of the replies.
If an engine does not have enough exhaust timing to work well with certain pipe, raising the timing will help. However, I would not give up ease of tuning and consistency to get a couple of hundred RPM in return by extreme timing and pay a penality in finicky needles.
Another example: I bought a used Rod G carb a while ago. The seller thought he could improve on the design and modified it...you can guess the rest.