I Need 'Puter Help!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
Ok. I finally got tired of slow loading pages and am installing DSL. When I ran the installation disk, it tossed out a warning that I had incompatible software installed, namely Prodigy v5.0.

I went into Add/Remove Programs and found the offending program. But when I tried to delete it, I got this...

Wise Uninstall

Could not open INSTALL.LOG file

What gives? :blink:

The program doesn't have a file size indicated.

Anyone have a clue?

BTW...I'm running Windows XP Pro.
ahh yes the joys of windows.....

most DSL lines do not need any software installed at all. all you most likely need to do is set your network card to be automatically configured.... aka enable dhcp ..... most likely that is.

YOU MADE ALL OF THOSE POSTS ON DIALUP??? Man have you got patience!!!!

Anyway, if you already haven't done so, go into the Prodigy directory on your computer and add a file called what you need. In your case, go into your Prodigy directory and click your right mouse button in the directory contents and choose the "New" option in the pop-up window>> select "Text document">> name it "INSTALL.LOG" (without the quotes).

Then just to be safe, copy that file and add it to all of the subdirectories under Prodigy. Log off and back on. This should work.

Then again, if you've already gotten it to work then disregard this post.

Oh yah, one more thing. if you haven't already done so, get a good firewall program. Definitely one that asks you if you want to allow a program to access the internet. I recommend Zone Alarm. They have a free version at http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/comp...lid=zadb_zadown

Secure? Me? You can't be to secure these days!


Snowdog racing! The epitomy of insecurity!
Tom...my computer found the NIC and modem no problem. The install disk is for the provider, SBC Yahoo.

Snow...yep, lots of waiting. :( Where is the Prodigy directory? I've already tried searching for Prodigy files/folders...there are none.
Try this- click on start, go to control panel, then network connections. You should see "local area connection" with your NIC card model listed under that. Right click on it then click on properties. Highlight internet protocol TCP/IP (also make sure it is checked in the little box) and hit properties. See if obtain IP address & DNS are set for automatic. If they are & it doesn't work, switch to manual & enter your IP address, subnet mask, DNS & gateway numbers yourself which your provider should have supplied you with. You will then be prompted to restart computer for changes to take effect. Hope this helps....... :D

1612 posts on dial up......... WOW you do have alot of patience............ :p

Once you get your DSL up & going you're gonna wonder how you lived without it..... B)
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Hey PJ,

Lots of good info here, Ahh yes the famous Windows uninstall blues, the guys got it covered in the above statements very well.

BTW all of the Geners posts are on $9.95 a month dialup with GBR basic service,

I usually connect just under 56K, He,He, Heck I aint in no hurry :p :D
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When I hooked up DSL insturcktions said if running windows XP that you don't need to install the set-up disk . Just had to run disk from isp and it worked . Scott
Thanks guys. I'll give it another go without the install disc on my day off when I can spend some time with it.

switch to manual & enter your IP address, subnet mask, DNS & gateway numbers yourself
Don, you're alright! Don't have a clue what you're talking about, but you're alright! ;)

Propjockey Racing.....next year I'm springing for a COLOR monitor! :lol:
Don Ferrette said:
See if obtain IP address & DNS are set for automatic. If they are & it doesn't work, switch to manual & enter your IP address, subnet mask, DNS & gateway numbers yourself which your provider should have supplied you with. You will then be prompted to restart computer for changes to take effect. Hope this helps....... :D
On 2K / XP you can also go to start -then run then type cmd and hit enter. It should give you a DOS looking window. Type IPCONFIG and hit enter - it should display your IP address, subnet etc. If you have turned on DHCP in your NIC settings you can release and renew your IP address using the IPCONFIG /release and IPCONFIG /renew commands. Faster than going into your NIC properties and settings.

TCP/IP can be real fun!! Especially when you get duplicate IP addresses etc... DHCP helps reduce that sort of thing happening.
carefull abotu just making an install.log.. sometimes they have nessacary informatin needed to remove the program from your computer.. if it's blank it might not work anyways it might be smart to install the program overitself then remove it
[SIZE=21pt]WE BE SMOKIN!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

Tech Support walked me through it today (only took two hours <_< ).

BTW...Don, the stuff you tried to tell me about, subnet mask, gateway numbers, etc. is part of what they walked me through. Guess I just needed someone to hold my hand through the process.

Snow...thanks for the link to Zone Alarm.

Thanks again, Y'all!!

Propjockey Racing......Keyboard Racers beware!!!!
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Don Ferrette said:
So how's that 'ol dial up lookin' now?
still looks good to me :) never had a problem with earthlink :)

but glad to hear you got everything sorted out
Cy...DSL is awesome. You click on a link to a pic and BAM!...it's there!

I downloaded a couple of r/c vids. One was 25 megs...two and a half minutes. It would have taken two and a half HOURS on my dial-up.

And the tech guy said it will take up to ten days for the modem to optimize...it gets faster!

Propjockey Racing.....I need a bigger hard drive. :blink:
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:D Now if we could just get him to stay outta dem Prarie Dog holes we would have sumpin!!!!! :lol:

He,He, Glad ya got it sorted out PJ.......... :p
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I Know.. I used to have DSL... I have seriously given thought to AT&T's Wireless DSL link, or direct way satalite service. the phone company wont touch the apt complex I am in.. it's not that the signal isn't available it's how the origional POTS system was installed into the block that i am in.. said something about needing to rerun EVERYTHING.