i had to laff :)


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Lennard Cuenco

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010

while i understand the fastest boats will be electric, why do they want to race nitro boats? LOL

go race against similar equipment....go have fun..if we see you having fun..we may join you..

apples and oranges...im just sayin
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For it to be a good race the boats involved must have similar speed capability. It is racing when the difference in the result is due to driver skill and preparation.

Al Hobbs
I'd like to provide a little clarification here.

We were approached by Bob Brackett, who with Roger Newton has been looking at a FE solution for many years, to compete in RCU. It is probably more about the uniqueness of our club (RC Unlimiteds) than anything else. Currently we run 1/8 Scale Hydro and nothing else. I believe on average we have more scale boats at an average race than any club in the USA. We are all scale and nothing but scale. Sooo, it is understandable that another scale hydro owner would like to compete against some of the nation's best on an ongoing basis. (Nation's best is best on the number of scale boats in RCU that dominated the final in the 2009 NAMBA Nats).

We are attempting to keep a level playing field in much the same way that a .67 nitro motor is the largest allowed. As 1/8 Scale FE grows in the area maybe it will branch off to it's own class. If it clearly just dominates without effort then obviously the two programs can't comingle.

In any event it does bring out more racers and an acceptable resolution will certainly prevail, with time, and the sport will benefit.

Bill Brandt
"(Nation's best is best on the number of scale boats in RCU that dominated the final in the 2009 NAMBA Nats). Bill Brandt"

Hummmmm??? Conclusion based on a single data point. We missed you at the 2010 NAMBA Nats, will we be seeing you at Legg Lake for the 2011 NAMBA Nats??

CHEERS !!! Bob
Nothing laughable about it at all. I've raced 1/8 scale nitro for many years and I am also building a FE powered scale for this year (still have my nitro scale). We here in D12 will mix them up together, closely monitoring speeds to keep things fair and competitive until if and when such a time comes that there are enough to run FE separately. It's all about having fun and increasing the boat count so more people can play. :)
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Nothing laughable about it at all. I've raced 1/8 scale nitro for many years and I am also building a FE powered scale for this year (still have my nitro scale). We here in D12 will mix them up together, closely monitoring speeds to keep things fair and competitive until if and when such a time comes that there are enough to run FE separately. It's all about having fun and increasing the boat count so more people can play. :)
Al, Bill, Don, Bob, Mike...other unnamed scale guru's

if you read their thread on RumRunner's website, the discussion about motor/battery setup is actually funny...

they choose motors, batteries and props (without defined limitations/rules) based on "the goal" of running in the 55 mph range...their rationale? not to anger nitro guys by winning all the races

this is equivalent to allowing arbitrary choice of motor displacement to compete in 1/8 scale...while using a mph limit to define legality...

this is sorta funny based on my experience, in that, the scale class is one of the most closely governed classes because they have to simulate a fullsize (District 9 scale nazis calm down please, yes you Glenn ;) ...

can you imagine if we started showing up with 90's, 1.00's saying..."Hey..it only goes 55mph"

Now that i realize the goal is fostering more boaters (in an environment where boat counts are very low) this is something that is worthy and noble....

thanx for the explanation, keep up the good work and sorry for any misunderstood chuckles i enjoyed
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Nothing laughable about it at all. I've raced 1/8 scale nitro for many years and I am also building a FE powered scale for this year (still have my nitro scale). We here in D12 will mix them up together, closely monitoring speeds to keep things fair and competitive until if and when such a time comes that there are enough to run FE separately. It's all about having fun and increasing the boat count so more people can play. :)
Nevermind ;)
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Hey Lennard it's all good. :)

One thing with FE you need to keep in mind...... you cannot "sandbag it" and run a more potent motor at lower throttle points without frying stuff. What they are looking for is a combination that will run comparable speeds to the nitro boats at wide open throttle. The FE's need to run full tilt or as close to that as possible or tons of extra heat gets created which can and will lead to the dreaded phrase known as "letting the smoke out" and that gets very expensive. :blink: :eek: :huh: :(
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Hey Lennard it's all good. :)

One thing with FE you need to keep in mind...... you cannot "sandbag it" and run a more potent motor at lower throttle points without frying stuff. What they are looking for is a combination that will run comparable speeds to the nitro boats at wide open throttle. The FE's need to run full tilt or as close to that as possible or tons of extra heat gets created which can and will lead to the dreaded phrase known as "letting the smoke out" and that gets very expensive. :blink: :eek: :huh: :(

I was fascinated by that part of the thread, they are paying VERY close attention to temps of motor, esc..etc...I also found the discussion about minimizing amperage very cool as well...those pistol thermometers must be popular....

very cool stuff
this is sorta funny based on my experience, in that, the scale class is one of the most closely governed classes because they have to simulate a fullsize (District 9 scale nazis calm down please, yes you Glenn ...
You haven't been around for years so you may not have noticed we've had FE scales run in our district. Randy Naylor might be running his at the Grand Prix in a few weeks. He also runs a very competitive FE in G1 Cat.

He's not running circles around us yet so I've been able to suppress the temptation to run it over :)
Oh be quiet you scale nazi. Or as I like to call them, your being a little scanal Glen. :p :p :p

Your not going to see a bunch of RCU guys in the final at Legg this year. That is for sure. Maybe Bill and Dave will come down. I know Dave has been itchin to run his twin and 80 boat.

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(Nation's best is best on the number of scale boats in RCU that dominated the final in the 2009 NAMBA Nats).
Kirk Maupin (RCU) 1st

Mark Grim (Seizmic Amigos) 2nd

Don Maher (Seizmic Amigos) 3rd

I woundn't call it domination by RCU. It was a unique final to watch with some interesting driving.
No intent on my part to be rude or smart alec. I was just having a little fun with Smak.

Dasboatman, Nope we didn't make the 2010 Nats and I don't know if son's work schedule will allow 2011. Interestingly enough though, the last Nats we could attend was in 2002 and son David won that one in scale but as I said, just funnin. I'm sure you could kick us both all over the field.

Nothing laughable about it at all. I've raced 1/8 scale nitro for many years and I am also building a FE powered scale for this year (still have my nitro scale). We here in D12 will mix them up together, closely monitoring speeds to keep things fair and competitive until if and when such a time comes that there are enough to run FE separately. It's all about having fun and increasing the boat count so more people can play. :)
Very well stated Don!!

:D :D :D
"No intent on my part to be rude or smart alec. I was just having a little fun with Smak.

Dasboatman, Nope we didn't make the 2010 Nats and I don't know if son's work schedule will allow 2011. Interestingly enough though, the last Nats we could attend was in 2002 and son David won that one in scale but as I said, just funnin. I'm sure you could kick us both all over the field. Bill"

Hey Bill,

No problem my Friend.

I read it and simply had to call you on it. I would love to race you, Dave and Kirk, et all - opportunity just hasn't presented it's self as yet. I'm one of those - Throw them into the water and see who comes out on top kind of boaters. An old Friend of mine is a SAW / Oval for time guy. I have been playing with these things for 40 years now, on and off, and have never run either. Guess I'll alway be a Heat Racer - that's what I like.

All this discussion about 1/8th Scale FEs is interesting. NAMBA Rule Books specifies Class C Internal combustion glow engines 7.52 - 0.67 cc (0.46 - 0.67 cu. in.) I'm all in favor of running darn near anything to make the class - I simply like to race. FE mixed with Nitro in 1/8th Scale is called "Demonstration".

I'm going to have a hard time getting the Scale cowl around this gas beast - - I think I can - - I think I can. Har, Har !!! CHEERS !!! Bob
Nothing laughable about it at all. I've raced 1/8 scale nitro for many years and I am also building a FE powered scale for this year (still have my nitro scale). We here in D12 will mix them up together, closely monitoring speeds to keep things fair and competitive until if and when such a time comes that there are enough to run FE separately. It's all about having fun and increasing the boat count so more people can play. :)
I found that setting up a sport 40 boat for FE is now only about $300 more than a nitro boat. Cost of the right motors, ESC and batteies has dropped quite a bit. From reading on the FE forums the boats can be setup to run as fast as nitro and not burn stuff up as was the case few years ago. Plus no plugs or fuel to buy.
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Oh man Phil, sounds like you're turning to the dark side! Anytime you want my input....just ask away.

For those of you who don't know me, I have ran FE for over 20yrs and ran 1/8th scale (shortly after it's FE adaptation) and other large FE hulls that have competed against similar gas and nitro powered. IMO FE will always have an advantage to nitro, primarily since we don't have to wait to get on the pipe or foul a plug. Plus FE's power output varies little in weather conditions where the nitro may run great on the morning but not so much on a hot and moist afternoon. But once up to power they can be good competing power sources.

Phil is correct about the price decreases. What once cost me $1000.00 in batteries is now only $300.00. For one thing the cells are better and may not need to 2P them and the base cost has dropped considerably.
Oh man Phil, sounds like you're turning to the dark side! Anytime you want my input....just ask away.

For those of you who don't know me, I have ran FE for over 20yrs and ran 1/8th scale (shortly after it's FE adaptation) and other large FE hulls that have competed against similar gas and nitro powered. IMO FE will always have an advantage to nitro, primarily since we don't have to wait to get on the pipe or foul a plug. Plus FE's power output varies little in weather conditions where the nitro may run great on the morning but not so much on a hot and moist afternoon. But once up to power they can be good competing power sources.

Phil is correct about the price decreases. What once cost me $1000.00 in batteries is now only $300.00. For one thing the cells are better and may not need to 2P them and the base cost has dropped considerably.
I may have to setup a P sport soon. I have had inquiries about FE setups for my boats, just dont have first hand knowlege about it yet.
Basically, use your standard speedmaster hardware and fin of choice. The main difficulty is getting the weight far enough forward. Your sport 40 would be wicked on 4 (P) or 5-6 (Q) cells. I know ther are One or two out there. Buzz me if u want more input. BTW I like your new stealth sport. Seen some video of it and looked really smooth.

The overall weight of the will be more than nitro but not sure by how much. So that may be a consideration on the design of the hull. The heavier the hull the more rebound it has.

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