Hydro width


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Ken Webb

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2007
Should the width of a regular hydro (not a rigger) be w=about 1/2 the length. 37" hull s/b at least 18 1/2" wide at it's widest point?
I think the unlimiteds are about 13.5 feet wide. The reason for this width is that any wider and they can't tow them on the hiway without all the wide load permits etc. Most of them are close to 30 feet long. I'm not 100% sure of this but have heard its true as far as the width dimension is concerned. If it is true I would guess 30 feet becomes a good length for aero reasons. That's about 45%. I don't really know the dimensions on limiteds.

If all of this is true, a sport 40 in NAMBA which must be a minimum of 35 inches would be about 15.5 inches wide although there are no width limits in the rules.

Depending on the dimensions you use, if they get too extreme, the "must resemble" issue could come up but thats a whole different subject I want no part of.

Probably not what you want but it's a thought
You're in the ballpark. The models I've had were close to 50% some a bit less and some a bit more. If you look on the NAMBA website at the master hull roster for the 1/8 Unlimited hydros you will see a increase in width as the boats moved from the round nose to pickle fork design. I think most 1/8 scale guys like the wider stance of the pickle fork design as they may corner a bit better. The sizes you listed have me thinking Sport 40 perhaps? Seems like the recent trend there is toward a little longer and wider hulls. My PT Sport 40 Round nose is about 38 1/4" X19". Perhaps someone with the ML Boatworks kits and Whip Sport 40 boats could chime in here?
Thanks for the inpuy guys. That's what I'm looking for. It seems I saw a Bud hull that was 29 ft and x inches long by about 14ft and inches wide.. That's how I came up with my thought. Mt Aeromarine sport 40 is 37" X16" a little narrow. I will find out how it handles when I can take it to the lake.
Ken I know from experience with the Aeromarine sport 40 that's it's way too narrow and probably cant handle todays motor hp. You've probably already heard this a million times.

The wider the better. The boat was probably good for back when the motors where slower. Now that boats are faster so boat design evolution has been huge. I do know that the Aeromarine absolutely hates left.

If you need a extra cowl let me know. I got one I'll sell you for cheap.
I'd like to have a hull, I have an extra cowl. I would like to modify a used hull and not screw up a good one.
That pretty much fits my theory. Plus or minus a little. I figure my boat s/b about 18 1/2 w. It's 16w. See if I can roll it. lol