Hurricane Katrina


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We hear of all the bad stuff going on in the New Orleans area, but I am also hearing of the good stuff, like a firm in California, matching their employees donations dollar for dollar, they raided $610,000 for the Red Cross. I am like Chris Herzog, donate to the American Red Cross or Salvation Army, not the United Way as those two originazation use the money to the fullest in a disaster such as the one we now have here in Louisiana, Misissippi, & parts of Alabama. The best thing anyone in the immediate area can do is send extra clothing & bedding items they no longer use or make monitary donations to the Red Cross or Salvation Army.

I don't think anyone out there that is used to the American way can imagine the prospect of loosing everything they own and not know when they will be able to return to their job "if it still exists", I was a young boy of 10 when it happened to my family when hurricane Audry came through SW Lousiana in 1957. It isn't fun but we managed to rebuild and get back to normal after a few weeks, but here we are talking about these people not being able to even get close to their homes to survey the damage and see what it is going to take to rebuild for at least a month if not longer. A lot of or boating brothers have lost everything, maybe to never return to this hobby, others that can and will may take a year or two to recover and be financially able to do so.

I pray that we can get the rest of those suffering out of the city before disease gets too them. Keeps the prayers coming ya'll we need all you can give them.

Again Thanks for all of the support and encouragement that you are offering for all of our Louisisana, Mississippi & Alabama brothers & sisters.
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I saw Bush last night on the news saying they had offers from other countries including Canada. Apparently we have everything loaded up waiting for your President to actually except the offer while people die. He said "we'll be doing everything we can to help our own". Sorry guys... That doesn't cut it in my opinion.

According to a report over on Jim's site, Richard and Noel Scallon are OK but have lost everything.
My wife and I have choosen to donate to Red she has 100% of her ebay auctions going to the Red Cross as well.

Every penny helps right now.

Having 6 kids my heart drops to those out there w/no milk, water or diapers for their babies.
It seems no matter what the problem is some like to get politics involved!!! This is not the time for that crap. We in RCU have been challenged to a donation and filling a van full of what ever we can donate! If only we all just do what we can regardless of the amount of cash or food, clothing, dipers, and I guess one of the big items needed in Houston is wheel chairs.
Belgium has 2 Airbusses ready , 6 or 7 C 130 airplanes , 250 volunteers and 3 medical teams ready to get there but apparently they are (still ) waiting on green light coming from Washington .

France ( YES , France ) , Sweden , The Netherlands and i'm sure other countries are standing ready too but all of them are waiting on green light to come . They expect to get green light on sunday , maybe monday

Looks to me that u have to point out to your " leader(s) " cause he's(they are ) slow ( and not a tiny bit )

What really disappoints me is that "Good old mighty Usa" is making a poor joke out of this . ( i gotta admit that i don't see the fun in this tho )

Sending 300 guards to get the chaos ready ? Gotta be joking right ????

For a country that has so many things , army , technology and all the rest , it sure is making a poor impression .

My prayers are out to those who lost their houses or family /friends etc , i hope someone overthere grabs the bull on his horns and get some things straightened out .

Regards ,

As a Marine Corp's veteran, it breaks my heart to see how poorly we take of our own people. The richest & most powerful nation in the world must be able to do better! :( :( :( :(

Jim Allen
Has any body heard from Carle Vanhotten? owner of vans racing. Or any of the Alabama guys Mike Rushing Mike Talley I am not sure where in Alabama they live but from what I see on tv they got the shtt Knocked out of them also. :unsure:
Gator 340 said:
Has any body heard from Carle Vanhotten? owner of vans racing. Or any of the Alabama guys Mike Rushing Mike Talley I am not sure where in Alabama they live but from what I see on tv they got the shtt Knocked out of them also. :unsure:

I have seen him online since the storm so I knew he was fine but I decided to call and am speaking with him now. He is getting some clothing and other needs of the victims together and making a run down to the affected area tomarrow.

Way to Go Carl and friends!

Ron J said:
I saw Bush last night on the news saying they had offers from other countries including Canada.  Apparently we have everything loaded up waiting for your President to actually except the offer while people die.  He said "we'll be doing everything we can to help our own".  Sorry guys...  That doesn't cut it in my opinion.


It's a shame that you have to ask for permission before you can help people in need.

I say send everything we can and piss on the politicians there all

FN useless anyway.

Tim K
Perhaps kinder more gentle instead of richer/stronger might have been the way to vote last time around? Bet people facing the disaster that voted Bush are asking themselves the same question. Something to think about.

jeff baham here, i live 20 mile west of slidell, near covington louisiana. all i can say is, IN GOD WE TRUST PLUS GOD BLESS AMERICA, because my home did not get a scratch on it, my shed (the hornet's nest) has the most damage tree fell on it. i am very,very very lucky and bless. i am in houston texas as of now. all my family and in-laws are safe and sound . my in-laws live in new orleans so they lost there homes. agian GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Being a member of the finest Air Power on the planet and an AF Disaster Preparedness troop, part of my job is to plan for any possible contingencies , I have read Keeslers' Full Spectrum Response Plan, and I can assure you Keesler AFB and Gulfport Naval Construction Battalion Center have already started their Disaster Response Plans, and have been hard at it since Katrina went inland.

Not only do they have to restore their mission capability, they also have to assist in all ways possible their local communities. The Air Force is sending 300 troops home from Iraq to take care of their families. The Army Corps of Engineers say it could take 36-80 days to pump all the water out of New Orleans. The Army national guard has activated thousands of troops to deliver emergency goods, prevent looting, and continue evacuations.

Keesler base housing was destroyed by a 25 foot wave. Despite that, AF Civil Engineers (some who lived in base housing) immediately went to work to clear the airfield, and it is the only working airstrip in the area to receive aid. Houston hotels are filled to capacity, and here in San Antonio, hotels are also filling up. Kelly City Base is opening its doors to evacuees, the Red Cross has been activated and actually turning away people offering to volunteer. Lackland AFB families have taken families into their homes evacuated from the area. The amount of people offering to help those affected by this disaster boggles the mind. Even Fidel Castro has offered doctors and medical goods to help out.

Something this big can't be resolved overnight, and it will take the hard work of a lot of people for a long time to recover.

While stationed at Tinker AFB, I helped clean up the rubble of the Murrah Federal Building. In some of the nations' darkest hours, I have personally seen the best in people, and this is no different. We are the greatest nation in the world not only because of our military might, not only because of our financial power, not only because of our political leaders.

We are the greatest because of our determination, perseverance, and compassion to help our fellow Americans. We will rebuild, we will heal.

To those who lost anything during this disaster, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

God Bless... Shnick
Jeff I`am Glad to hear you are OK & Healthy. :D Slidell took a Huge Hit. How about the other Other SGRA members You have any info on them....? Joe Warren Memphis TN
I saw on the local news where they may be bringing some of the people that are homeless up to Fort Custer in Battle Creek, about 20 miles from my house. There are groups of barracks that have been kept in good shape over the years and had been used as a POW camp back in WW II among other uses. These facilities were on the list of possible sites to be closed down, this might give them second thoughts.
Joe W said:
Jeff I`am Glad to hear you  are OK & Healthy.  :D Slidell took a Huge Hit. How about the other Other SGRA members You have any info on them....? Joe Warren Memphis TN

joe thank for the concern, but richard scallon, danny ragusa, don wagner, lost every thing, ernie chassanoil roy koepp, chris herzog, carlos, gene fuslier, have little damage but have water in their house, haven,t heard from anyone else. the first guys i mention was under water.
jeff baham said:
Joe W said:
Jeff I`am Glad to hear you  are OK & Healthy.  :D Slidell took a Huge Hit. How about the other Other SGRA members You have any info on them....? Joe Warren Memphis TN

joe thank for the concern, but richard scallon, danny ragusa, don wagner, lost every thing, ernie chassanoil roy koepp, chris herzog, carlos, gene fuslier, have little damage but have water in their house, haven,t heard from anyone else. the first guys i mention was under water.


Jeff, thanks for the info! I am assuming that all these guys are fine except for property loss or damage?

B) I made out ok with a little roof damage, staying in port allen untill power is back up at my house. Jay sr is ok too just has no power right now. Louis stayed at Jay sr's house during the storm and his house is ok as well. If anybody needs to get in touch with me try the following cell #'s: 985-373-6773, 504-982-2089. You might have to try dialing them a few times in order to get through.

jeff baham said:
Joe W said:
Jeff I`am Glad to hear you  are OK & Healthy.  :D Slidell took a Huge Hit. How about the other Other SGRA members You have any info on them....? Joe Warren Memphis TN

joe thank for the concern, but richard scallon, danny ragusa, don wagner, lost every thing, ernie chassanoil roy koepp, chris herzog, carlos, gene fuslier, have little damage but have water in their house, haven,t heard from anyone else. the first guys i mention was under water.


missbudpilot55 said:
[SIZE=14pt]Just looking at the arial shot of the New Orleans area and it doen't look good at all in particular for the Slidell area, most places under 6-10 feet of water, portions of the I-10 bridge in a lot of the areas collapsed.  People that stayed being rescued from their roof tops, Keep them in your prayers, haven't heard from any of the New Orleans bunch on here, hopefully they took the mayors advise and did evacuate.  I ain't pretty at all, don't know about any deaths but it could be days before residents are even allowed back into the area to assess their property damage.  All we ask for is prayers for our brotheren that we have all come to know and enjoy.[/SIZE]

Hey Pilot,

Thanks for the prayers. We need all we can get! I just joined the SGRA club a few months ago and I live in the neighborhood next to the break in the 17'th Street Canal levee. It took a while to reply because I had trouble loggin' in. I don't know if it's because my pc took a scuba lesson or what. Just wanted to give ya'll a first hand report. I can't tell you about the other guys in the club because celluar communications are shot and fallen trees took out the land lines.

As far as the reports about the looting and shooting in New Orleans, we are talking about a miniscule percentage of the population getting ignorant all at the same time. I think there are over a million people in the greater New Orleans area. As a friend of mine once said..."The asses will always ruin it for the masses!" I just hate for all the hard working people in town to get a black eye and be stereotyped. I'm talking salt of the earth people here. They may not have a ton of money but they work hard and they are proud.

Now that I got that off my chest, I'll tell you where you can really see the total devestation left in the wake of the hurricane. I do not know how to give you a quick link but punch in NOAA (it's a weather site). Somewhere it says something about 7,000 ariel photos of the affected area.

The most amazing photo I saw was a pile of wood that was once a massive three story bar and restaurant. If you look to the right of the break in the canal(New Orleans is south of a large lake in the middle of the state towards the bottom) you can see a large parking lot that ends at the shoreline. Those are the pilings just offshore. Unreal!!! I snuck in a few days after the storm and did not notice that the building was gone. I was in awe looking at the break in the levee from the opposite shoreline.

I don't care what religion any of you are. We desperately need your prayers....both the living and the dead!

Bless you all,

Dr Hydro