Huntsville Record trial results


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Oct 17, 2002
Congradulations to Paul and Kelly they killed alot of WATTS this weekend :p

Records submitted from Huntsville TT this weekend:

Paul Pachmayer - N1 Mono SAW, 7.548 sec ave, 29.809 mph

Paul Pachmayer - N2 Sport Hydro SAW, 3.344 sec ave, 67.284 mph

Kelly Brooks - T Sport Hydro SAW, 2.581sec ave, 87.175 mph

Kelly Brooks - S Tunnel SAW, 3.628 sec ave, 62.017 mph

Bill Zuber

IMPBA President
Kelly,I just Gotta.Bustin my hump every day.You and Packmiester goin to a race with out me...Well it just aint right.I mean who provides the entertainment ? ;)

How are the twins ?They gotta be gettin big !!

And again great job at the SAWs.Michigan Cup in the cards ?Love to see yah.
not sure about the cup. all depends if I am in the country or not. I just got back today from Amsterdam again. If I can swing it I will be there with something to play with
Michigan Cup...

Kelly/dennis Jim and I are traveling for that this year. really looking forward to this race...