I'm a newb to scale so I might ask a dumb question or 2 but what's the reasoning in creating lift on the rear transom. The way I'm building mine it's going to be light in the transom. I'm building a T-6 by the way.
Sam,we've discussed your T-6 previously,which is an ML Boatworks scaled down version of my Gas Scale,or mine is a scaled up version of your 1/8 scale.Whatever.I think you are going to find the boat to be somewhat tail heavy.I believe you are thinking in the right direction to keep your construction light in the rear.I have cut out the centers of the tub sides rear of frame #5,which only saves ounces,but it's toward the rear.I would also try to keep the layup light for the rear wing and verticals,if you go glass.Also choose the thinnest gauge aluminum you feel is practical for a turbine tube.Mine is .020" which I needed to break the diameter instead of roll.A rolled tube can be thinner.The real T-6 turbine tube has over 60 breaks,which can make you crazy doing one.I still haven't recovered.I tried slightly different wing angles from nominal on my Phil Thomas glass 1/8 scale T-5,and it did not make much difference.Canard setting did make a difference,but it depends on boat set up,CG,strut depth,prop,etc.
There are a lot of photos of the T-6 at max speed going straight.When you look at these photos,you will notice that the boat is running almost level,riding on the rear edge of the sponsons and the rear ride pads,with air under the entire center.I don't think the boat can be tail heavy and do this