Help with rudder location


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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Well I'm building a new sport 20 boat and was wondering if there is any "rules of thumb" for rudder locations. I did search the forums and found over 5000 results, thought I would take a gamble and ask here before dedicating my weekend to reading lol! Thanks for any help!
Well I'm building a new sport 20 boat and was wondering if there is any "rules of thumb" for rudder locations. I did search the forums and found over 5000 results, thought I would take a gamble and ask here before dedicating my weekend to reading lol! Thanks for any help!
Most sport hydro I have seen have the rudder mounted to the right. IMHO, mounting the rudder to the right of the thrust line will help right hand turn.

Just like anything in life, it is all a compromise. Mounting the rudder to the right, and having the turn fin on the right sponson will add drag to the right; therefore making prop walk more pronounced. I noticed I have to use more left rudder, or more strut offset to make the boat track straight.

So for the last two projects (.20 and 40) I have started to mount the rudder to the left. Having the rudder in this position does help (a little) correct prop walk. I can use about 1 degree less offset in the strut. Besides, I can set up the linkage so that it pulls rather than pushes.

Again, it is all a compromise. The challange, and fun, part of the hobby is to find the best compromise.

Hey opio i mounted mine on the left and she goses straite and turns real good in eather direction.I have to limit the amount of thro to my ruder or she turns way to sharp.coast air musiume 103.jpg
Many full-bodied hydros - full-size and models - place the rudder on the outside of the turn. The reason for this is that when turning the rudder forces the inside sponson down, helping to plant the turn fin and improving turning. But note I said "many", not all....

Placing the rudder on the left in a model hydro with a wide transom can help turning to the right, but it almost guarantees that the boat will flip if given much left rudder. I mounted the rudder on both left and right on one sport hydro with a narrow transom, and I didn't see a noticeable difference in turning with either position. I usually mount mine on the left and rely on driving to keep from flipping over. With modern 'hooked' turn fins, placing the rudder on the right may be a better compromise.

If you go to the NAMBA NATs tomorrow, I think you will find all the sport and scale boats run a left side rudder. It's easier to set up a rudder with pulling linkage than to set it up with pushing linkage
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Ok,left is in.How about how far left from center?

My boats are normally set up with the rudder mounted directly behind the engine bay sides, With a glass hull, I'd put the rudder at the inboard edge of the left deck
Ok,left is in.How about how far left from center?


ha ha Ed that was exactly what I was about to ask! thanks HJ i was thinking about that same location you mentioned.
..I'd asked this question too for my boyfriend 1/8 scale proboat...We saw alot of Gas hydro's at Celina had there rudders mounted on the right side...Was told it help to turn faster...I know we mount our stuff completly opset to the real deal hydro's..I do remember with my proboat 1 gen miss bud now blue angel turn alot faster and sharper then rudder on the oberto's rudder are on the left side..I drove the oberto1 the rudder mounted on the left side and notices the different in turnning sharpeness..I was told with today tec on turnfins@ prop some guys run the rudder on the right side..It's more to each there own prefferances on were they want to mount there rudder at....This is what Scott said to me,he's is a tec advisor on modelboatgassite ..Done them both ways for years, With the tech we have now in turn fins and props .... Make life easy and mount it on the right
Being hydros are RIGHT hand turners only, the little bit of LEFT turning ability a left side rudder has, is IMO outdone by the superior right hand turning a right side rudder gives
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Ok,left is in.How about how far left from center?


ha ha Ed that was exactly what I was about to ask! thanks HJ i was thinking about that same location you mentioned.
..I'd asked this question too for my boyfriend 1/8 scale proboat...We saw alot of Gas hydro's at Celina had there rudders mounted on the right side...Was told it help to turn faster...I know we mount our stuff completly opset to the real deal hydro's..I do remember with my proboat 1 gen miss bud now blue angel turn alot faster and sharper then rudder on the oberto's rudder are on the left side..I drove the oberto1 the rudder mounted on the left side and notices the different in turnning sharpeness..I was told with today tec on turnfins@ prop some guys run the rudder on the right side..It's more to each there own prefferances on were they want to mount there rudder at....This is what Scott said to me,he's is a tec advisor on modelboatgassite ..Done them both ways for years, With the tech we have now in turn fins and props .... Make life easy and mount it on the right
Being hydros are RIGHT hand turners only, the little bit of LEFT turning ability a left side rudder has, is IMO outdone by the superior right hand turning a right side rudder gives
Okay, Misshydro, when did you start running boats bigger than a .15 sized Pro Boat? If you had been at the NAMBA NATs, you would have seen almost every hydro present had the rudder on the left side. I saw one that had the rudder on the right, that one being a thunderboat, with the rudder servo also offset to the right side to make the servo pull the rudder for the right hand turns. To take it one step further, every boat there was capable of turning sharper than required to go around the turns in lane 1. In both Sport 60 and scale hydro, the top boats all had the rudder on the left side. Dont' remember seeing any of the riggers with right sided rudders either. Only boats I saw with a rudder anywhere close to the right side were the deep vee classes, except for the afore mentioned T-boat. Now, lets look at the full sized unlimited hydros. At this time, all the unlimiteds have the rudder on the oposite side of the boat as the skid fin. That alone should tell you something.
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Ok,left is in.How about how far left from center?


ha ha Ed that was exactly what I was about to ask! thanks HJ i was thinking about that same location you mentioned.
..I'd asked this question too for my boyfriend 1/8 scale proboat...We saw alot of Gas hydro's at Celina had there rudders mounted on the right side...Was told it help to turn faster...I know we mount our stuff completly opset to the real deal hydro's..I do remember with my proboat 1 gen miss bud now blue angel turn alot faster and sharper then rudder on the oberto's rudder are on the left side..I drove the oberto1 the rudder mounted on the left side and notices the different in turnning sharpeness..I was told with today tec on turnfins@ prop some guys run the rudder on the right side..It's more to each there own prefferances on were they want to mount there rudder at....This is what Scott said to me,he's is a tec advisor on modelboatgassite ..Done them both ways for years, With the tech we have now in turn fins and props .... Make life easy and mount it on the right
Being hydros are RIGHT hand turners only, the little bit of LEFT turning ability a left side rudder has, is IMO outdone by the superior right hand turning a right side rudder gives
Okay, Misshydro, when did you start running boats bigger than a .15 sized Pro Boat? If you had been at the NAMBA NATs, you would have seen almost every hydro present had the rudder on the left side. I saw one that had the rudder on the right, that one being a thunderboat, with the rudder servo also offset to the right side to make the servo pull the rudder for the right hand turns. To take it one step further, every boat there was capable of turning sharper than required to go around the turns in lane 1. In both Sport 60 and scale hydro, the top boats all had the rudder on the left side. Dont' remember seeing any of the riggers with right sided rudders either. Only boats I saw with a rudder anywhere close to the right side were the deep vee classes, except for the afore mentioned T-boat. Now, lets look at the full sized unlimited hydros. At this time, all the unlimiteds have the rudder on the oposite side of the boat as the skid fin. That alone should tell you something.
Phil's SuperSport 21 2" from center on the Port side. Brian's Whiplash 21 lined up on the cockpit or center section stringer on the Port side. Bob's RHT Marine Sport 20 lined up with the engine stringer on the Starboard side. Ira's round nose sport 20 lined up on the engine stringer on the Port side. Both my Outrigger Hydros have the rudder mounted on the Starboard side. If it's on the stern of the boat and in the water it should work.
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Phil's SuperSport 21 2" from center on the Port side. Brian's Whiplash 21 lined up on the cockpit or center section stringer on the Port side. Bob's RHT Marine Sport 20 lined up with the engine stringer on the Starboard side. Ira's round nose sport 20 lined up on the engine stringer on the Port side. Both my Outrigger Hydros have the rudder mounted on the Starboard side. If it's on the stern of the boat and in the water it should work.

great info there thank you!
Hj for your info my boats have .18+.21's in them...Were's your's??? oops you dont have any running boats.......
DON'T SCREW UP MY POST WITH YOUR STUPID ARGUMENTS.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DON'T SCREW UP MY POST WITH YOUR STUPID ARGUMENTS.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to worry, I was just trying to find out what made her an expert on hydros and set ups since she has never built or set up a boat. Obviously she doesn't know what shes talking about since she had to resort to that same old line we've all seen dozens of times. Also, I was just stating what I saw at the NAMBA NAT's over the past 8 days and trying to get more input for you. I won't be responding to any more of her posts on your thread, already rocked the boat too much ;)
DON'T SCREW UP MY POST WITH YOUR STUPID ARGUMENTS.................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was talking to both of them lmao! but i do like info ya gave me HJ, and Miss thanks for your input also! CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!!!!! LMAO!!! :ph34r:
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