Help with ESC selection


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Mar 4, 2008
I am looking at buying a used SV27 (well its actually a BBY Oval Master 26 with a Sv27 brushless motor). It doesn't have batteries, or an esc.

My two questions are about the batteries and esc.

1. I have four lipos sitting around, and I'm wondering if they will work with this setup or not (off my trex 450). They are 3s 2100mAh, 20c. I figure I could if needed hook them up in parallel to get the amps needed. Would these batteries work?

2. What esc would work good with the SV27 brushless, and hopefully my own 3s lipos?
You can parallel up your cells and go 3S with 4200 mah's. But...that motor has been very well tested and very well received as a 4S motor. You may find yourself wanting 4S 5000 +/- mah cells.

ESC-you can find an Aquacraft one on or upgrade to a Castle 120. I don't think the Castle's have a problem with a 6 pole motor (which is what you have).
Thanks D. Newland.

I am trying to keep the cost down somewhat so I'm hoping the lipos I have will work. I'm just using the boat to run around the pond we have out back, so nothing fancy, and no racing.

I'll have a look at the ESC you recommended.

Is the Aquacraft esc set up for lipo's, or is it only for "traditional" batteries?
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OK, so I have done some research, and come up with the following. I will be running 3s2p lipos and perhaps in the future, 4s, so I want an esc that could handle that as well.

1. Aquacraft SV (45amp) at OSE $60 plus $15 for water cooling plus $20 (?) for lvc = about $95

2. Scorpion available from eBay 55amp $66

3. Another from eBay @ETTI 70amp for $90

4. Plus the one Hannu recommended above 100amp for about $100.

What would be the minimum amp rating I should go for? I know the original one with that motor was a 45amp, but would it be better to get one rated slightly higher?