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Tim Kish

Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2003
This past weekend was the first district 1 race of the season , during this race a long time (25 plus year) racer had his brand new scale completely destroyed after his RX went bad during a heat.

This boat was only on the water a couple times at this point so you can imagine how devistating this would be to a person.

I am looking toward the Scale comunity to help me find a hull to replace this one , I am not looking for a hand out just something reasonable that can be on the water fairly quickly.

Anyone who knows this person will tell you he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it and I would really like to help him out.

I have all hardware and his motor is still good so I just need a hull.

If you have anything laying around not being used that you are willing to part with please let me know.

This person has been racing Scale in D-1 longer than anyone and I would love to see him back on the water as soon as possible.

Thanks guy's for your help.

Tim Kish
If anyone tries to contact me please be patient I am having computer problems and may be down for a day or two.

Thanks Tim
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