Heading to MI


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Dec 27, 2001
Agin this year i will be heading to MI for work. "Grand Rapids"

Any good hobby shops?


I will be back sat..

Also check out the new Cheese at www.grimracer.com the sale was my idea the website mods were hers....however the tunes were mine..hehehe

the only one with any boating stuff left is hobby world on clyde park and 28th.... riders always tells me, i don't have it now, but i can order it for you.
Good hobby shops? What's that. Niehter one of them carry hardly any boat stuff. Cars or planes is about all you will find. If you do want to check them out though, Hobby World and Riders are the only two that I know of.
I would agree with Cy. I think Hobby World does carry a very small supply of boat parts where as Riders you are more likely to have to order things.
Hobby World on 28th street & Clyde Park has a very small collection of boat stuff left. The have it all thrown together in 2 or 3 tubs under the counter. They do have an Areomarine Predator 3.5 tunnel up above behind the counter though.

BTW, they will not deal on anything. the price is what is marked. & they are kind of rude.

OB nut did make a good find there, but i will let him tell everyone what it is ;)

When are you heading this way?

I agree with everything already stated above.. Hobby World (oh, did I just say their name - let me wash my mouth) has boat equipment.. They just aren't rude, they down right SUCK.. Unless you buy from them day to day, spend bucco bucks, they won't even acknowledge you are there.. Don't walk in during lunch time.. They will be too busy feeding their face. Been there, done that...

Riders, I bought out most of their boat equipment three years ago.. What a steal , ah , I mean deal.. Over $1K for just under $200.. Most of it was props and K&B bearings.

As Wade already mentioned, I did walk into H.W. ( I still shiver even thinking I did that!), I checked out what they had the in three tubs.. Big item I picked up was a brand new - old stock Garcia Mini Marine 7.5 OB Pipe for $37.. They also have a Pow-r-Thruster 7.5 inboard pipe. I didn't realize this until the trip to Toledo, this is also a Garcia Mini Marine item.. Believe the price to be over $65.


OB Nut Racing: BTW - I used to work part-time at Riders...
Hey Grim,

On your way TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO G.R. Stop off at ALs hobbys in Elmhurt Il.

theres a hobby store, Hell she even has your stuff on the shelves.

Hea man i love als.. its our home stop even though its 350 miles away.lol

I will have a co-worker with me...bummer..he is a real stich all right..he is about as cool as a car crash...one that you are in...

I gotta agree, Hobby World sucks. Some old Granny there treated me like the Village Idiot. Their boating gear wasn't much, I did look through a box of props that they had and got one. I went to the Harbor Freight store right by HW so I thought that I'd see what they had. Let us know where you're at and maybe we could stop by if you're going to be in G.R. for a day or two.

The LHS's here in Kalamazoo aren't much better, one keeps their boat goodies in 2 drawers and the Rider's here isn't much better. A new one, Extreme Hobbies is trying to put the others out of business and they just might!

I like to check out the LHS's when I go to an out-of-town race if I come in a day early.
there used to be a pretty decent one in holland right off the main drag downtown coblestone hobbies i believe was teh name... but i haven't been there in a few years.... that is if your taking 96 up here
Mike, I went into your site last night and didn't see anything on the Wild Thing 12 in there. What's up? I was going to hit Momma up for one for Christmas. :'(

Tell Sheila that she did a nice job on fixing up the site but with Santa and the penguins in there reminds me of what's coming, the nasty "S" word.