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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
In 49 years of living in the same area, not too much catches me off gaurd- but today changes that. While sitting in my truck waiting on a tide change at my local fishing spot- here comes cruising down the seawall a 3ft Green Iguana - I had to do a double take - So i proceeded to put on the leather gloves and attempt to catch this critter- why not

After a brief chase and a few trips in the water , I managed to grab said large lizard, hmmmmm, now what - lol

So in the 5 gal bait bucket he goes- non too happy I might add, and off we go to a pet store for his new home. Decided to stop by a friends place on he way , he is into reptiles and such- to see if he wanted it. Let me look he says, lol first mistake, that bastage was out of that bucket and three houses away before you could blink . I manage to wrangle him back up and he is now living in a comfy pet store in s Tpa . Kinda wanted to keep him , but really dont need the headache right now.

I never did fish
Did he look like this? Cool pic on the tree! I was under a car welding exhaust pipes when you sent them yesterday, so i couldn't answer then (-;KIMG0482.JPGKIMG0485.JPG