Happy Birthday Henry


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Ray Sametz

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Nov 22, 2003
Double sevens, enjoy your day Mr. Velasco. See you at the races.
Happy Birthday Mr. Henry. I once thought that the sixties and seventies were old. Not any more. We are just in our prime.

Have a good one my friend.


Enjoy the day.

We are not getting older just better.

Happy New Year,

Mark Sholund
Thank you everyone

It started out perfect -- took the 60 rigger out this morning to get my nitro fix and was very very happy the way it ran ----------- then it happend -- threw a blade off the prop , took the center ride pad off the SGX -- oh well maybe I,ll get lucky tonite -------- naaaaaaaaaaaah
Henry - Happy Birthday and Happy New Year

Mama says Hi and wants to have Dinner at the Nats this year..

Your Friends Marty and Pam
Thank you everyone

It started out perfect -- took the 60 rigger out this morning to get my nitro fix and was very very happy the way it ran ----------- then it happend -- threw a blade off the prop , took the center ride pad off the SGX -- oh well maybe I,ll get lucky tonite -------- naaaaaaaaaaaah
LOL, Good luck tonight! Happy bd and New Year!