Gremlins and stuff


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002
Hey Guy's

Here is one fer ya...... Pick a day between the hours of 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm usually I try to get on and "Poof" page wont load, Here is what I tried

Flush browser cache and dump cookies

Fresh boot and typed URL

Log in on another ISP

Try all the above with another system

Same thing every time, while this does not happen every day, when it does happen, its always in the same time frame, WEIRD!!!!!!

Gene :blink:

BTW this is not a big deal with me at all, just wondering why, or is anyone else having this same thing happin :D

IE 6.0 and Mozilla Firebird browser used on test with same results
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Yeah I was thinkin it might be the lines in my area going to a high traffic mode, Like all the banks transmitting data and stuff. But ZDnet, Ebay, Google, and other stuff load's fine.

Gene :D
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Ok it's 5:30PM EST and man this site is loading SSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Other sites I go to are fine, but even with high speed connection pages are taking 30 to 60 seconds to load. Seems to happen almost every day about this time.......... <_<
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05:30 EST and it's working just fine for me.. Then again, I'm happy with a 26.4 connection..

Sucks (connection wise) living in the sticks!

Hey Guys

Don I was flyin around pages loading fine till I logged in , Now its SLLLLLOOOOOWWWWW!!!!

Mark get a dish link up and point it through the trees, Well that might me a problem too, finding a clearing :p

I usuallly connect here round 41k regular old dialup

Gene :D
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HI Guys.....

I'm still getting the "not permitted to use this board" Thing. I'm getting pretty tire of whining about it. I've gone as far as e-mailing Tom M. directly about it, but It shouldn't be his problem. Do we have acces to the people that host our site? Can we e-mail them directly??

Bob the Fool :blink:
Bob I get the same message, Yesterday was bad for me to get on. Just wouldnt load up. IM on Cable so its not timing out.

SOme days it will not load, and others says i am not premitted to use.

Hey Bob, Maybe its a chicago area thing.


Hi Bob,

I honestly dont know who the new host is, The way I understood how it work's is, Tom fills out a report of the problem and Emails it to them, then they answer back with the solution,

Dat all I know,

Gene :D
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Hi Again.......

Well, whatever the problem, and whomever should be working on it...........

I'll try my hand at creating a new and possibly popular abbreviatoin..........

that would be: POKBPR!!!.(pounding on keyboard, blood pressure rising).

Anybody seen my Norvasc........

Bob The Fool :blink:
Slideblues said:
Mark get a dish link up and point it through the trees, Well that might me a problem too, finding a clearing :p
Since we have DirectTv, a dish connections would be a solution.. Problem is, the cost.. 598 up front and 60 a month or 100 a month w/no up front for 15 months then down to 60 a month. We're not webmaster and don't need this type of connection.. It's a thought, but Holy Crap Batman, the $$$ is outta our budget..

WOW Dude, had no idea it was that high in your area, I see what ya mean, I'm happy with my basic service 41 k and $9.95 per month :D
HUmmmmm when it loads sloooooow I just x out and relaod works for me

Sometimes we need tooooooo do things twice hu

õ¿~ ya later

Bob :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Damn Mark, that is nuts for the cost, Hell i would stick to dial up also. Was on dial up for a long time untill cable finially came to our area. I Love it now.

Course down in the hill of Ky, Most the rednecks still got rabbit ears and wire and alum foil wraped to there tvs.

DISH??? Honey Raise yer arms up, tv is snowy.

We dont need no dish. :D :D
..S S , D D ............If we paid a little more, can we get a better host? I'd gladly chip in again.

Bob the Fool :blink:
Here's a copy of what I see almost daily on weekdays from 5pm to about 6pm EST...

Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /home2/intlwate/public_html/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 67

Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home2/intlwate/public_html/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 70

ERROR: Cannot find database intlwate_ipb

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home2/intlwate/public_html/sources/Drivers/mySQL.php on line 103

There appears to be an error with the Community database.

You can try to refresh the page by clicking here, if this does not fix the error, you can contact the board administrator by clicking here

Error Returned

Well there ya go...........

Hope this helps Tom........... :huh:
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Crap...... fergot to log in again,

Anyhow mine just sets there white screen till it times out, or starts to load a page and quits, Sometimes refresh works other times it dont,

Gene :D