The 700s have very hard brushes - the comm will burn before the brushes go bad. You can't replace the brushes nor turn the comm - not without tearing the sealed-motor down. The 700 is routinely used with 12 cells, and even with top-grade 3300s will last a lot of 10-lap heats. Plenty of racers run 14 to 16 cells, and the motor life is shortened; for occasional sport use it won't matter. Heat is the enemy, so with more than 12 cells, limit your run time to no more than 2 minutes, or watercooling is a good idea. You can safely run 14 to 16 cells if you use the less expensive 'sport packs', they don't deliver the power that good (and expensive) 3300s do. THe best brushless controllers are from, they are far better than AstroFlight.It will not handle 16 cells, 16 cells is roughly 19.v, thats more than twice it is rated for. It does depend on the load though, but more or less it will eat brushes like crazy.
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