Going to the Lake on Sunday


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LOOKs like a nice day and super smooth water.

John, nitronewbie are you planning on the fun run? Wade talk him into it.

Have days off for it, and looking forward to it.

Looks like wades boats just a tad bit faster.

Tom, John defiantly needs to go to the fun run, along with his son!

He told us that he was planning on it.

I figiured atleast I could make it look like our boats were running instead of us running after them. :lol:
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I wished that I could have been there, it beats where I've been the past 30 hours. They hauled me out of work yesterday in a Meat Wagon to the Hospital around 8:30 a.m., I'm still not feeling too hot. They didn't come up with what was wrong with me, either the Diabetes or gastro-intestinal problems again. :(
actually sunday would be better for an all day excursion.. i usually have every other one off.. saturdays i usually work. but i'm sure we can work out a time sometime
Well as far as going again for me it looks like it won't be until the end of May, the weekend of the 29th, to be more specific. I can do either day. So let me know how this weekend works out for those that would be intereseted in going.


Definetly hope you are feeling better.


Here is a pictuer of that hydro I mentioned that I designed. Again it is just something I did when I was bored at work and needed to look busy.

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sorry ron you slipped by me there.. hope your feeling better soon.

Scolby that is a slick looking hydro I wonder how well it would run

Thanks. I don't know and am wondering also. It is kind of like the cat I designed and in the process of building, I won't know until it actually hits the water. Maybe someday I will find out. The Cat on the other hand is with in a few hard days of being complete. I told the wife that I am going to work on it and have it ready for the Fun Run in June.
steve-- does look pretty cool, how about a more round cowl top to go with that hull? any bottom drawings done for it? still think your cat is more cool. looking forward to seeing if that thing will run as good as it looks

ps Ron-- hope your feeling better. looking toward seeing you at the fun in june.
Thanks Mike. It turns out that I had a nasty intestinal flu that started hitting me late Saturday night and am finally getting over it today. Eric is going in Friday for hernia surgery so it's a fun week around our house!
eek thats not good either.. glad your feeling better. and hope everything goes smooth for eric

Here are a couple more pictures of the hydro. Yeah I am hoping that it runs good also. Hopefully you will see at the fun run. Well then again I would like to think that i will have it running by then so I can work out any problems that I may run into.

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I finally have some video put together. It is actually to large to post here and I don't have a personal web site to put it on. Is there anyone that is willing to make it available for everyone. It is about a 7mb file.

Thanks For the info Ron. I willlook in to it tiday sometime and see about getting those videos up for everyone to see.

OK I have the video posted so how do I link it to here. According to RcFlix you have to be registered to view it. Thanks for the Help. BTW anyone that is registered there the video is titled "Having a little Fun".