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Joe Warren

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2003
Tom, I know its winter time & many topics will arise on racing and differnt projects. Are they going to lock all of our topics so there is no discussion??? we the people of International waters will not set and allow others to say this site is BAD for Both Race Organizations....... Do we have Double Standards? This question is to tom moorehouse. plesae advise on your thoughts.
Last edited by a moderator: primary goal is to promote the hobby. I believe in free speech for our community also. There is however a line you can cross. It is a blurry line. It comes to a point where the discussion no longer works to advance the hobby. The last couple days a few individuals have crossed that line. While I'm sure they think they are doing things to promote the hobby the actual effect is just the opposite.

Quite literally these things can kill a forum. Many poeple have told me they will not go to any more because of just of these types of situations. When that happens I know I have failed at promoting the hobby through Intlwaters. I know I am running the risk of having a mass exodus of members.

I don't like being a failure. I want to see my hobby flourish. I want to protect my little corner of the web.

I will be giving time off to a few of the members that have crossed the line. I hope they take the time to think about what they wanted to accomplish. Then they should ask themselves if the actions they took will achieve their goals. To use NASCAR terminology, These members are being suspended for actions detrimental to RC Boat Racing.
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