Robert, I have no idea if this is a BUTT COVER.. or what.. BUT.. range is not an issue.. here is a test i did some time ago..
Futaba users..
From me to you… thank you for choosing Futaba!
I would like to share some range testing I did a year or so ago. I typically don’t share this type of info but to me.. this help qualifies my use and RX choice. Maybe it can help you guys too..
I have a set of written test requirements (Drafted by me) and a fixture made just for testing radio range. The requirements are just a simple set of rules on how the test is performed. Helps make each return test repeatable.
Then I have a test fixture. Its made of foam and has no metal parts on it. It does however hold a full setup… Servos (3), RX, 6.6life Battery, Futaba 10amp Reg, and ON-OFF switch. This fixture also has a horizontal and vertical RX antenna holder. (Sorry I don’t have any pictures of this setup)
The test I conducted was to test the following
On a 3000 foot obstacle free grass runway (no runway lighting or overhead power lines nearby)
FHSS Non-Diversity -vrs- Diversity receivers
TX antenna position options labeled out by Futaba as “options”
Test the orientation of the transmitter (shoulders facing and shoulders 90deg) from the RX ant
What I used for the test:
4PX Transmitter
Futaba R304SB RX (Non-Diversity)
Futaba R324SBS RX (Diversity)
Goals for the test:
Test range of each RX in two (2) RX antenna positions, horizontal and vertical.
Test range of each RX in two (2) of the TX antenna positions, horizontal and vertical.
Qualify the performance of the two different RXs and their antenna positions (we will call them, “Stow, TX ant horizontal” an “Go, TX ant vertical”)
We tested to the following criteria:
Distance to flashing Green/Red on the receivers paring LED
Here is what I found. (Let me summarize)
Using the 304RX
Shortest combo: Transmitter Antenna in the Go Position, shoulders facing the test rig with the RX antenna horizontal and pointing at the user.. 308 feet.
Longest combo: Transmitter Antenna in the Go Position, shoulders facing the test rig with the RX antenna vertical.. 616 feet.
Using the 324RX
Shortest combo: Transmitter Antenna in the Stow Position, shoulders facing the test rig with the RX antenna horizontal and pointing at the user.. 300 feet.
Longest combo: Transmitter Antenna in the Go Position, shoulders facing the test rig with the RX antenna vertical.. 906 feet.
There is a bunch of testing in-between this but this should provide you with a picture.
MOST IMPORTANT.. from the testing we concluded and confirmed the transmitter works best with the antenna in the vertical position.
MOST IMPORTANT.. From the testing we concluded and confirmed that the Receiver antenna MUST be in the vertical position during model operation.
All seems normal and legit.. right.. then..
The 324 outperformed the 304 by 290 feet in the optimized test positions.
Not much more to say.. however.. in the past I had done a bunch of “what’s a realistic” distance for an RC boat to be manipulated on the water. From those days past we found that at about 650 feet a 50 inch boat is usable. Meaning I can determine the operation orientation of the boat. Past that point things start to get sketchy… at 700 or so feet.. all bets are off (operator at the shoreline)
Comments welcome..