Futaba Issue


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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2005
Hello All

I have had my Futaba 3PK Transmitter with the 2.4 GHz module

for about a year and a half now. It has worked flawlessly.

This past NAMBA Nationals my 45 SGX Rigger just stopped running after

3 laps and I assumed it had just gone lean and died.

So next heat I went to start the heat and nothing happened when I

turned on the radio....The receiver light was flashing green.

I could not start the boat and found out that the receiver / transmitter

bind had stopped working.

I assumed I had a bad receiver and put a brand new one in and at this

point it has worked fine.

This past weekend at our District 20 club race my son's Futaba 3PM

did the exact same thing in that the transmitter / receiver bind stops

working........Anybody else have this issue yet....

My receivers have never been wet and they are isolated in foam.

I want to continue using my Futaba gear, but I don't want Issues like that

to happen again.

Could it be that there are to many 2.4GHz systems in close proximity to

each other or something like that?

HELP Please

Hello All
I have had my Futaba 3PK Transmitter with the 2.4 GHz module

for about a year and a half now. It has worked flawlessly.

This past NAMBA Nationals my 45 SGX Rigger just stopped running after

3 laps and I assumed it had just gone lean and died.

So next heat I went to start the heat and nothing happened when I

turned on the radio....The receiver light was flashing green.

I could not start the boat and found out that the receiver / transmitter

bind had stopped working.

I assumed I had a bad receiver and put a brand new one in and at this

point it has worked fine.

This past weekend at our District 20 club race my son's Futaba 3PM

did the exact same thing in that the transmitter / receiver bind stops

working........Anybody else have this issue yet....

My receivers have never been wet and they are isolated in foam.

I want to continue using my Futaba gear, but I don't want Issues like that

to happen again.

Could it be that there are to many 2.4GHz systems in close proximity to

each other or something like that?

HELP Please

Hi, Joe! I have similar problem with one of three receivers. I send it to Futaba service and they replace some parts. All three working properly now. Do you using 6 volt battery? This is critical. Boris
Some of the receivers have an issue with heat, I would send in the problem receivers for service. The receiver voltage is also critical as stated above. I have used my systems for a season or so now and havent had any problems. Others have had a few problems related to heat or voltage occasionally.

mike sr
If the LED on the RX is flashing green it means that the RX is receiving a signal, but it is from a transmitter that has not been bound to that RX. A solid red LED means that the RX is on, but is not receiving any signal.

Mine will go red if they get wet. Dry them, spray with CorrosionX and that solves the problem.

If you are getting a flashing green I would try first to re-bind the RX to your TX. If that does not work, then it should be sent in for a look see.

BTW - if it is either a heat or water related failure the RX goes to red and it should go to the preset Failsafe, assuming you are in HRS mode and have set the Failsafe. Otherwise it just holds last command.

And as said above, always make certain to use 5-cell (6 volt) packs. I actually run some 2-cell lithium ion (NOT lipo) packs using a small regulator to provide a solid steady 6 volts to the RX and servos. These are packs that I use in giant scale airplanes. Packs are made by Fromeco and the regulator is made by Smart-Fly. They are Fromeco's "Relion" 2400 (now 2600 size) packs and the ignition regulator for Smart-Fly. Packs are about the same size as a 5-cell 1,500 NiMH pack (2/3 AA cells).


Thanks Bill, Mike & Boris

I use the 6 volt 1400 maH 5 cell HydriMax batteries

in these boats.


I have not used 4.8 in years.

Both days we raced were very Hot and I am hoping

that is it.....The receivers were never wet.

Does anyone have the address for Futaba to send in

Items for repair.

Thanks for the information Guys
Both days we raced were very Hot and I am hoping that is it.....The receivers were never wet.
Futaba does have a FAQ that discusses 2.4 receivers and heat. The title says aircraft, but it seems reasonable that it would apply to boats as well.


After reading it I'm more careful about keeping my boat in the shade or covered with a white towel when the boat is in the hot pits.
My question is which RX, the 603FF or 603FS?? It is my understanding the 603FF is a bit more sensitive to heat but I can't say I've seen it personally as I only run the dual antenna 603FS RX"s, so far they've been on the money. I do find it interesting that Futaba recommends that you do not wrap them in foam which to me also rules out putting them inside balloons. I don't do either, instead using velcro to secure the RX on a slightly elevated platform in the box. Some things never change like happiness is a dry radio box. B)
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My question is which RX, the 603FF or 603FS?? It is my understanding the 603FF is a bit more sensitive to heat but I can't say I've seen it personally as I only run the dual antenna 603FS RX"s, so far they've been on the money. I do find it interesting that Futaba recommends that you do not wrap them in foam which to me also rules out putting them inside balloons. I don't do either, instead using velcro to secure the RX on a slightly elevated platform in the box. Some things never change like happiness is a dry radio box. B)

Say what?

Straight from the 3PM Fasst manual....

<a href="http://manuals.hobbico.com/fut/3pm-2_4ghz-manual.pdf" target="_blank">http://manuals.hobbico.com/fut/3pm-2_4ghz-manual.pdf</a>

Page 22..


Dampen the vibration to the receiver

by mounting it to the chassis or

mounting plate with thick, doublesided

tape in electric powered models.

In gas powered models, wrap the

receiver in foam and mount it where

the vibration is the least prevalent.


Dampen the vibration to the receiver

by wrapping it in foam. Waterproof by

placing it in a plastic bag or make the

radio box in your model watertight.

While the reciever in my rigger is the same way you mention yours... velcro'd to a platform up off the bottom of tub, the reciever has been wrapped around foam in my cat since day one, and has never been an issue. I have had it not to want to bind a couple times after sitting in the direct sunlight for a long period of time (using 603FF receiver), now i just keep the boat in the shade, or place a towel/shirt over the radiobox if its in the sun (usually when in the get ready) and i havent had a problem since. Never has it done it while out on the water.
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Right off the Futaba FASST web page-

1. Don't wrap your FASST receiver in foam.


Protecting your receiver from vibration by wrapping it in foam used to be a "must". Not so with 2.4GHz FASST receivers. Unlike 72MHz equipment, they're not as vulnerable to vibration. Using less foam lets them operate cooler - which is a plus for all electronics.


Tip: To keep the receiver cooler use small foam blocks (like standoffs) so that there is an air channel around the receiver.

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Right off the Futaba FASST web page-
1. Don't wrap your FASST receiver in foam.


Protecting your receiver from vibration by wrapping it in foam used to be a "must". Not so with 2.4GHz FASST receivers. Unlike 72MHz equipment, they're not as vulnerable to vibration. Using less foam lets them operate cooler - which is a plus for all electronics.


Tip: To keep the receiver cooler use small foam blocks (like standoffs) so that there is an air channel around the receiver.

<a href="http://2.4gigahertz.com/faq/faq-fasst-q1064.html" target="_blank">http://2.4gigahertz.com/faq/faq-fasst-q1064.html</a>
thats pretty funny since in my manual (i checked mine after looking at online book) it says to wrap in foam. I guess if my reciever in cat ever goes bad ill blame it on them saying to wrap it in foam :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The advisory for FASST receivers is based on feedback on the 6014FS and 608FS aircraft receivers, some of which have shown a certain degree of sensitivity to heat. Basically the chip in those receivers has a temperature limit of 60 degrees C (146 deg F). So in high ambient heat environments it may be possible to over temp the RX. As a general rule I try to keep my boats out of the direct sun and shielded from heat even though the advisory and most of the heat related reports are from Giant scale airplanes.

In every case of heat related failure the RX LED goes red indicating that the RX has lost signal. This is because the chip that is being effected is the RF chip. When the LED goes red the RX goes into failsafe mode, so if you have set those the servos will go to that position. If not then the servos will hold last position.

In the case of the OP his RX is going to blinking green which indicated that the RX is receiving a signal, but does not recognize from what TX. This is NOT the typical heat related situation. I suspect that something is going wrong in that RX and I think it should be sent in for a look see.

The published advisory on the website supersedes what the printed instructions say.
:ph34r: :blink: :huh: :blink: :eek: really scar different water surface wave sound <_< I read radio control car action that popular race cars make success on ground surface no problem :rolleyes: I cant' beleive " No word" about any boats. I say Gamble" Winner or Losser"
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Hello All

I have attached a couple of .jpg's to show how I have the receiver mounted.

It is surrounded on all for sides with .090" thick foam

with a .75" x 1" x .090" foam pad under.

I thought that this would be alright for isolating the receiver.

Thanks Everyone for your reply's

I think I will send them in to Futaba for a look see.

that looks fine to me,

I have much more padding than that on mine and have had no problem so far (knock on wood).

I bet it was the heat Joe, Try keeping the radio box covered in between rounds. I have 8x- of the R603FS and not a single problem yet. I do wrap most of them in foam, but make sure to keep the radio box covered in between rounds.

Thanks Everyone for the help....

I am going to get myself in the habit

of keeping the radio box shaded....


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