terry, i am by no means an electrical expert, but i am beginning to believe it has something to do with the age of the 3egx's. being an auto tech, i do deal with a fair amount of electrical & computer issues in cars. age definately comes into play. over time, components & connections will deteriorate. may or may not show up with circuit tests, sometimes you actually need to "catch it in the act" to be able to diagnose it. i know this doesn't really help you find your problem, but maybe it can be another possibility to look at. tony should be able to REALLY check out the health of the circuits & outputs of your egx. if it's not exactly right, i could understand why the 2.4 module can't utilize the signal properly. yes, it might bind, but still might not be able to transmit, because of a "dirty" waveform..........i still know where 2 or 3 of the 3egx's are. very low use, & not much travel/bouncing around on them. if you ever feel you may need some boards or parts with lower hours, lmk. not so sure its in the coding of the fm in the 3egx, fm is still pretty much fm (i think :blink: ), although the components used have improved for less amp draw & reliability. one test we use in the automotive world is a wiggle/tap test. when the unit is malfunctioning, you would gently shake/wiggle all connections, & gently tap on the boards & components to see if it comes alive. of course, this would involve opening the tx up, & "catching it in the act". look VERY closely at all the capacitors. the are filled with an electrolyte (an acid). the can leak over time & corrode the solder joints directly under them. very hard to see sometimes, may not spread any further than the solder joint on the leads themselves. i have replaced more than one automotive control unit for just this problem. i have a gut feeling it's a single peice that isn't working all the time due to age. isolating it would prolly take someone like tony to thoroughly check the entire unit, component by component. i know of a couple of companies that rebuild automotive control units, that is what they do. i have used them, with excellent results. if you think they could help, i can pass contact info on to you. not sure if they would be willing to work on a transmitter, but heck, all they can do is say no......