Got the car back and I got one thing to say!
Its time for a road trip guys....
to bad its in a month.... heheheh.... gutted exhaust.... rebuilt tranny, custom geared.... little work here and there on the motor.... lightened flywheel..... stiffened high flow feul pump, and injectors, remapped computer.... on the HONDA sigh to bad it's not a 72 cutlass convertable.... gee sounds like i might just bee doin a how fast can i get there road trip next month... just got it all back today sooooo we'll just have to see how long i can keep it togeather... or should i just put a flame job on it then put it on ebay with a note saying capable of 200 due to the MICROBUBLES Hehe KPH in very tiny print
neword on nearby hotels yet? I hear there is a resort nearby, but i am not spending more than it would take me in gas to get back Refuse to stay with my aunt and coboy dave in detroit.... sooo also GF wants to know if there are any good shoping centers nearby (in case she gets bored)
BTW mark race your littl PT.... 90 wow man suprised it's still in one piece (hehehe) sorry I am a mopar guy, but i just don't like those PT's
Wade - still want to do that .12 Hydromite???