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Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2004
To any one who works on a full size hydroplane team. I hope that the team you work for doesn’t act the way the Oberto Madison team has done tonight. I went to go see the new boat that was brought in from Seattle today. They had the shop door open and you could see the new hull from the road. I stopped to get a better look at it. As I stood in the open door way I was asked what I wanted and who I was. I replied "I just wanted to look at the new boat". I had no camera and was not in any ones way. This person then told me I needed to leave. I replied "fine" and left thinking of many bad words in my head to say to this person. After going to my daughter’s band concert and calming down I happened to run into one of the board members on the Miss Madison and long time family friend. I told him about what had happened. He did not understand why they acted that way and told me if you want to go see it I will take you in there no problem. I told him that "no I am over it and you should not have to offer to take me in or any one else for that matter". To me most of the unlimited racing has forgotten about the people who pay the bills THE FANS! Let’s look at the facts about that.

1. Any sport is fan based and it is the fans that buy the stuff that pays the bills.

2. You are not working on or building the B-2 bomber

3. The fan base of hydroplane racing is falling acting like jerks doesn’t help promote the sport

4. Secrets, I am not asking you to get out your props and let me measure them.

I just wanted to get a look at the boat. Now I found myself just not caring what happens to them. I will just enjoy my racing season running my 2005 formula boats. How is that for supporting my local racing team?
I think if you forwarded this to Art O berto in Seattle someone would get a good chewing out.

For the last 3 years, and again this year O berto has been the primary race sponsor for RCU in the Pacific NW.

Everyone at their company has been extremely supportive and I don't think your comments would fall on deaf ears.

I would apologize to you on behalf of all O Berto. You should have been welcomed rather than received the treatment you got.

I would ask for an explination and get some facts before spouting off too much. It's hard for me to believe that there was not something unforseen that triggered that response. Yes, they should have put on a happy face for the public but I'll bet someone was having a REALLY bad day. I have always had good experiences with the team and the people of Madison for that matter (except nearly getting run over by that black car as it...never mind) Anyway, ask for an explination first, then if it has merrit, spout off.
Not to totally change your subject, there is a flip side to that as well. Last season I met James Chambers (crew cheif Rinker Racing)at a local one day (r/c) race. We got to talking and I was invited over to the race shop. Since then I have had the pleasure of being invited over to help around the shop and actually work on the boat.I have been treated like one of the crew and this weekend were heading to the record trials in Lakeland were Terry hopes to set an oval record. Its been the most fun I have had since I got into this stuff. ;) I guess my point is you musta caught someone having a really sh-tty day :eek: . still no excuse though.
Not to totally change your subject, there is a flip side to that as well. Last season I met James Chambers (crew cheif Rinker Racing)at a local one day (r/c) race. We got to talking and I was invited over to the race shop. Since then I have had the pleasure of being invited over to help around the shop and actually work on the boat.I have been treated like one of the crew and this weekend were heading to the record trials in Lakeland were Terry hopes to set an oval record. Its been the most fun I have had since I got into this stuff. ;) I guess my point is you musta caught someone having a really sh-tty day :eek: . still no excuse though.
Don, From the Miss Madison racing team a big SORRY is said about the actions from 4-12 -07. I was not there, But today it was talked about to the higher up in comand. The Miss Madison racing team does not in any way promote this action

Doug Shepherd Madison, In.
I would ask for an explination and get some facts before spouting off too much. It's hard for me to believe that there was not something unforeseen that triggered that response. Yes, they should have put on a happy face for the public but I'll bet someone was having a REALLY bad day. I have always had good experiences with the team and the people of Madison for that matter (except nearly getting run over by that black car as it...never mind) Anyway, ask for an explanation first, then if it has merrit, spout off.
Wesley, I would not "spout off" as you said if this was the first time this has happened, but the matters of treating the local fans like crap continues. The attitude of some people on the team is that we are a top secret race team and you have no rights to be around us. Also what I have not complained about was the fact that my father and uncle give that team 7 years of there life's! My father still blames the boat for his past marriage problems and never being home with his kids. I too gave 3 years of my life to that team only to be screwed over. Not to mention how they have had some of the best talent ever on that team and chased them off by doing there usual stupid stuff. One person I can think of that they pushed away was a local named Kenny Washer so instead he crewed with the Steve Whoomer team and got paid for doing it. He stayed with the team until Mr. Whoomer died. Guess I have a lot of heart burn with the team and most of the people who work on it. I am glad that out of town people get treated so well when they get around them. I have a personnel problem with them and will not support them at all. Sorry if I offended any one it was not my intent I just wanted to see if other R/C boat guys that crew had the same problem with there teams. I do have to say one thing about Art Oberto thou. He is great! He knows how to treat people and how to get the most for his advertising dollar. One year he took me down into the pits just so I could get close up pictures of the 1989 Oberto to build it. He always told me you R/C guys are the greatest free advertising I get so what ever you need let me know. So why he puts his name on the Madison team I will never know . Oh well, Sorry again hope to see you this year at a race Don
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Doug, :huh: It will not change down there you know that. Just put on another band aid it will be okay. ;) Forget all this, just bring on that A game May 6th. :p
I would ask for an explination and get some facts before spouting off too much. It's hard for me to believe that there was not something unforeseen that triggered that response. Yes, they should have put on a happy face for the public but I'll bet someone was having a REALLY bad day. I have always had good experiences with the team and the people of Madison for that matter (except nearly getting run over by that black car as it...never mind) Anyway, ask for an explanation first, then if it has merrit, spout off.
Wesley, I would not "spout off" as you said if this was the first time this has happened, but the matters of treating the local fans like crap continues. The attitude of some people on the team is that we are a top secret race team and you have no rights to be around us. Also what I have not complained about was the fact that my father and uncle give that team 7 years of there life's! My father still blames the boat for his past marriage problems and never being home with his kids. I too gave 3 years of my life to that team only to be screwed over. Not to mention how they have had some of the best talent ever on that team and chased them off by doing there usual stupid stuff. One person I can think of that they pushed away was a local named Kenny Washer so instead he crewed with the Steve Whoomer team and got paid for doing it. He stayed with the team until Mr. Whoomer died. Guess I have a lot of heart burn with the team and most of the people who work on it. I am glad that out of town people get treated so well when they get around them. I have a personnel problem with them and will not support them at all. Sorry if I offended any one it was not my intent I just wanted to see if other R/C boat guys that crew had the same problem with there teams. I do have to say one thing about Art Oberto thou. He is great! He knows how to treat people and how to get the most for his advertising dollar. One year he took me down into the pits just so I could get close up pictures of the 1989 Oberto to build it. He always told me you R/C guys are the greatest free advertising I get so what ever you need let me know. So why he puts his name on the Madison team I will never know . Oh well, Sorry again hope to see you this year at a race Don
I did not mean to piss you off or sound condescending toward your experience. It's just that when I have an experience it usually turnes out that the person had a really bad day and I was the closest target at the time. I also know that sometimes at the races, when I am really upset or pissed about a boat not doing what I want it to do. Thats when some new comer or spectator walks up and starts asking a million questions. I have talked to Mike Hanson years ago over the phone when he was the driver and I'm sure he had better things to do besides talking to a guy who races "toy" boats. He even let me sit in the real boat In Michigan once. The team even came over to watch my "Madison" boat race. Those are the experiencces that have made me a fan but if they ever run me off I would probably feel just like you.
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I would ask for an explination and get some facts before spouting off too much. It's hard for me to believe that there was not something unforeseen that triggered that response. Yes, they should have put on a happy face for the public but I'll bet someone was having a REALLY bad day. I have always had good experiences with the team and the people of Madison for that matter (except nearly getting run over by that black car as it...never mind) Anyway, ask for an explanation first, then if it has merrit, spout off.
Wesley, I would not "spout off" as you said if this was the first time this has happened, but the matters of treating the local fans like crap continues. The attitude of some people on the team is that we are a top secret race team and you have no rights to be around us. Also what I have not complained about was the fact that my father and uncle give that team 7 years of there life's! My father still blames the boat for his past marriage problems and never being home with his kids. I too gave 3 years of my life to that team only to be screwed over. Not to mention how they have had some of the best talent ever on that team and chased them off by doing there usual stupid stuff. One person I can think of that they pushed away was a local named Kenny Washer so instead he crewed with the Steve Whoomer team and got paid for doing it. He stayed with the team until Mr. Whoomer died. Guess I have a lot of heart burn with the team and most of the people who work on it. I am glad that out of town people get treated so well when they get around them. I have a personnel problem with them and will not support them at all. Sorry if I offended any one it was not my intent I just wanted to see if other R/C boat guys that crew had the same problem with there teams. I do have to say one thing about Art Oberto thou. He is great! He knows how to treat people and how to get the most for his advertising dollar. One year he took me down into the pits just so I could get close up pictures of the 1989 Oberto to build it. He always told me you R/C guys are the greatest free advertising I get so what ever you need let me know. So why he puts his name on the Madison team I will never know . Oh well, Sorry again hope to see you this year at a race Don
I did not mean to piss you off or sound condescending toward your experience. It's just that when I have an experience it usually turnes out that the person had a really bad day and I was the closest target at the time. I also know that sometimes at the races, when I am really upset or pissed about a boat not doing what I want it to do. Thats when some new comer or spectator walks up and starts asking a million questions. I have talked to Mike Hanson years ago over the phone when he was the driver and I'm sure he had better things to do besides talking to a guy who races "toy" boats. He even let me sit in the real boat In Michigan once. The team even came over to watch my "Madison" boat race. Those are the experiencces that have made me a fan but if they ever run me off I would probably feel just like you.
I am not upset at you or any one on this site. :rolleyes:
I would ask for an explination and get some facts before spouting off too much. It's hard for me to believe that there was not something unforeseen that triggered that response. Yes, they should have put on a happy face for the public but I'll bet someone was having a REALLY bad day. I have always had good experiences with the team and the people of Madison for that matter (except nearly getting run over by that black car as it...never mind) Anyway, ask for an explanation first, then if it has merrit, spout off.
Wesley, I would not "spout off" as you said if this was the first time this has happened, but the matters of treating the local fans like crap continues. The attitude of some people on the team is that we are a top secret race team and you have no rights to be around us. Also what I have not complained about was the fact that my father and uncle give that team 7 years of there life's! My father still blames the boat for his past marriage problems and never being home with his kids. I too gave 3 years of my life to that team only to be screwed over. Not to mention how they have had some of the best talent ever on that team and chased them off by doing there usual stupid stuff. One person I can think of that they pushed away was a local named Kenny Washer so instead he crewed with the Steve Whoomer team and got paid for doing it. He stayed with the team until Mr. Whoomer died. Guess I have a lot of heart burn with the team and most of the people who work on it. I am glad that out of town people get treated so well when they get around them. I have a personnel problem with them and will not support them at all. Sorry if I offended any one it was not my intent I just wanted to see if other R/C boat guys that crew had the same problem with there teams. I do have to say one thing about Art Oberto thou. He is great! He knows how to treat people and how to get the most for his advertising dollar. One year he took me down into the pits just so I could get close up pictures of the 1989 Oberto to build it. He always told me you R/C guys are the greatest free advertising I get so what ever you need let me know. So why he puts his name on the Madison team I will never know . Oh well, Sorry again hope to see you this year at a race Don
I did not mean to piss you off or sound condescending toward your experience. It's just that when I have an experience it usually turnes out that the person had a really bad day and I was the closest target at the time. I also know that sometimes at the races, when I am really upset or pissed about a boat not doing what I want it to do. Thats when some new comer or spectator walks up and starts asking a million questions. I have talked to Mike Hanson years ago over the phone when he was the driver and I'm sure he had better things to do besides talking to a guy who races "toy" boats. He even let me sit in the real boat In Michigan once. The team even came over to watch my "Madison" boat race. Those are the experiencces that have made me a fan but if they ever run me off I would probably feel just like you.
I am not upset at you or any one on this site. :rolleyes:
You can count on the A game this year! ;)
If you happen to San Diego, look in on the U-21 Freedom Racing team. They are

building the exact same boat as the O'berto. Be warned though if you peek in the

shop you might get yelled at if you're just standing there. There's plenty to do and

they'll put you to work. :p :p
I think all you Madison people should be getting your rc boats ready instead of wasting time at the big boat shop, cause you know you are all going to be eating my roostertail.....lol

All I can say is "WOW"

For the last several years, the Madison crew, from Mr Hughes on down, have been nothing but helpful and generous with their time and access to the boat. I've been alowed to crawl all over the boat, take pictures and take measurements both with and without crew members present. I've even had Mike Hanson give me a tour of changes made to the boat over the last several years.

That being said, it's possible that a member of the crew felt that the presence of a non crew member could be a threat or spy for another team, camera or not(considering how many own camera-phones). Since all hydros are unique, same design or not, a slight shange made by the Madison team might have been looked upon as a secret. It very well could have been nothing more than someone having a bad day as already mentioned. I do, however, feel that the lack of tact by that particular person was unfortunate. Without knowing the other side of the story, I won't judge this person for his actions either.

I wouldn't judge a whole team by the actions of one person or even a few people. It sounds like a personnal issue between one individual and the team, which is again unfortunate. I would also ask for an explanation for the treatment you received from a team official before passing judgement.
All I can say is "WOW"For the last several years, the Madison crew, from Mr Hughes on down, have been nothing but helpful and generous with their time and access to the boat. I've been alowed to crawl all over the boat, take pictures and take measurements both with and without crew members present. I've even had Mike Hanson give me a tour of changes made to the boat over the last several years.

That being said, it's possible that a member of the crew felt that the presence of a non crew member could be a threat or spy for another team, camera or not(considering how many own camera-phones). Since all hydros are unique, same design or not, a slight shange made by the Madison team might have been looked upon as a secret. It very well could have been nothing more than someone having a bad day as already mentioned. I do, however, feel that the lack of tact by that particular person was unfortunate. Without knowing the other side of the story, I won't judge this person for his actions either.

I wouldn't judge a whole team by the actions of one person or even a few people. It sounds like a personal issue between one individual and the team, which is again unfortunate. I would also ask for an explanation for the treatment you received from a team official before passing judgement.
Mr. Junkie, I am sorry if what I am about to write offends you in anyway, but my question is again do you live here or near by Madison Indiana? If I remember right you live out west so you will get what ever you want with them. But if you live here or locally you are treated very differently and I do not know why or what to say about it. Don
Fear not, for no offence was taken. In fact, I see the very thing you are talking about quite often in my other hobby. I go to clubs out of my area and get treated like a long lost friend while, at the same time, being treated like someone who doesn't know anything by members of my home club who have been in the activity for a couple of years, compared to my 30+, but that's another story :rolleyes: