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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2004
just got my new novarossi and after many hours of of hiting my head against the wall i ran out of light so i had to come home with out geting a single run :( o another thing i took the engine apart to clean it before i put it in the boat so i thought i will check for the clearense of the head. to my suprise this thing is .019 with out any shims and it had a .008 and a .016 in there. i don't know why that is .043 all together. i think the Italians are having a little to much wine :angry: so any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks Nick :blink:
Nigtmare said:
just got my new novarossi and after many hours of of hiting my head against the wall i ran out of light so i had to come home with out geting a single run :( o another thing i took the engine apart to clean it before i put it in the boat so i thought i will check for the clearense of the head. to my suprise this thing is .019 with out any shims and it had a .008 and a .016 in there. i don't know why that is .043 all together. i think  the Italians are having a little to much wine :angry: so any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks Nick :blink:

Back when I had a N/R it had too much head clearance without shims also. I machined the head button down to get it where I needed it. as far as the N/R carb, throw it in your parts box & get the D&J carb from Bill @ Speedmaster/Rossi Sales, you will be alot happier. B)
Stock Novarossi carbs are painful.

I have used CMB carbs and am currently using a MAC carb with a BVM needle adapter fitted to it. They can be cheaper options to the D&J.
TimD said:
Stock Novarossi carbs are painful.I have used CMB carbs and am currently using a MAC carb with a BVM needle adapter fitted to it. They can be cheaper options to the D&J.


Atta boy Tim, Get in dere and "duke" it out wid 'em.

(go over to "For Sale" in "Ozzy Pipes")
You didn't say what hull you were running the NR in. You can use a Geraghty modded K&B carb with an adapter, an OS carb with an adapter, or the NR carb with some patience.

Head clearance sound a bit on the extreme side and won't help produce any torque. How big a prop are you starting with? did you try going one size down until it's run in. Could be bad plug choice also - what are you using?
GTR said:
You didn't say what hull you were running the NR in.  You can use a Geraghty modded K&B carb with an adapter, an OS carb with an adapter, or the NR carb with some patience.
Head clearance sound a bit on the extreme side and won't help produce any torque.  How big a prop are you starting with? did you try going one size down until it's run in.  Could be bad plug choice also - what are you using?


Gtr The boat is a home made rigger and i tryed a h7 and a 1445 but i don't think that the pro is the problem I think likeTim and Don said the carb is a pain on the a** I got a 21 mac carb that i will try after i get the head down to .006 or .008 and for the plugs i got mcoy #9 #8 Thanks Nick

If you are looking for a good carburator email Frank Orlic <[email protected]> .

I am certain he will have what you need and he can also help with any other questions you might have about the motor.

Frank is also a member of our club as well .

Hope this helps and good luck on the weekend , I may get my sons boat in the water on Sunday if we have any luck with the weather

Tim Kish

Novarossi gives you all the head shims you'll need....only problem is they assemble them onto the motor before shipping. :blink:

You'll probably end up taking all the shims off and keeping the .004" shim on it.

It might be a good idea for them to start with a tighter clearance and just put the other shims in the box.

Often they have the low end needle run all the way in so that there is zero flow when the carb is :eek:'ll want to run that all the way out (it's the screw that is in the center off the throttle arm) Better yet, go ahead and pull it out and clip the needle off of the base then run it back in.

The real needle is on the opposite side of the throttle arm.---keep it fat----

I personally don’t run the Nova carb since I use the speedmaster or Mac carbs with my NRs but I know they can be run successfully with some minor mods.

have fun,
The NR carbs are fine..............after a couple turns of the dremel. Do yourself a favor and cut off the entire 3rd channel arm, and solder the hole closed. Then do as KB suggests and cut off the low speed needle. Finally, remove 1/2 the spray bar (the half opposite the fuel nipple). These changes were recommended to me by F. Orlic and now all my motors run them.

For clearance you can start at .011 and adjust it for torgue as necessary.


My son has a 20 mono with a NR with the stock carb on it. We have never had a problem with it in any manner. Been very reliable and easy to set the needle. Maybe I have been lucky and have not experienced the same problems as some of you have had. I'll count my blessings.

Listen to what Kevin said. Look at the low speed needle and make sure that it open quite a bit. The head clearance is way too high. Should be closer to .012 give or take .002 to .004.
One thing I must say about this forum that if you ask, there are lots of people here to help you, and that is with the whole hobby, and if you ask me that is very going back to my carb thanks all and i will try all of the above suggestions. i have the mac carb and doing the mods to the n/r carb. it sounds eazy.I guess i have to take the head to a machine shop to take it down .010.One more thing, what is a good head clearense for n/r with 50% nitro? Thanks Nick
I had a lot of problems with the N/R carb. If you lookinto the carb as it closes you'll see that the low end needle closes off the fuel at low speeds..Just take the needel off and cut it down and replaced it..Carb works fine after that...
Did I hear him say "McCoy 8s & 9s" Plugs? Is that what you guys are running

in the NR?? My .21 runs awfull with those,, 1L K&B or nuthin for my Tigers.
i run mc-9's im my 3.5s on 45% but i have run k&bs plugs and they let you idle down on shore the mc-9's you really have to wind them up so they dont die
I run NR7TGF and NR7TGC and NR8TGC...In my Novarossi.........fortunately I dont have to say that much :blink:
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