Flascaleboater a huge apology


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mt. gay rum

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2006
had the pleasure of running my c-mono last weekend in a local race...one problem during the race i drifted out wide and the roostertail blew over my buddy Rick...MY Bad

When the race was done i DQ myself and Rick was awarded 4th place points...Rick never said a word after the wide turn...man i felt bad....

Next time.... :lol:
Cool deal Mike, now that is stand up!!

I just want to know were that haul ass came from,

I guess thats the engine I need to look at the inside of.

Bob, please take note. Our discusion from the other night.

Those are fun boats to drive, aren't they?

Later mike
Cool deal Mike, now that is stand up!!
I just want to know were that haul ass came from,

I guess thats the engine I need to look at the inside of.

Bob, please take note. Our discusion from the other night.

Those are fun boats to drive, aren't they?

Later mike
That was a very honorable gesture on your part. How you conducted yourself does happen, but probably not as much as it could. (The stand up move on your part). I noticed that you said Rick was given fourth place points. That was a recent proposal in NAMBA that passed that took some heat during the voting period. Looks like in my opinion it was a fair thing to do rather than Rick take a 25.

Thanks, Al Waters
Al, In my opinion thats the best rule NAMBA has passed in a long time... These races are getting so competitive that one mistake in one heat and your done for the weekend,,now when another racer takes you out that just adds to the frustration (weather by mistake or not) at least with forth place point it keeps you in the running for the weekend...Excellent job NAMBA...makes boaters think twice about staying in your lane....
Al, In my opinion thats the best rule NAMBA has passed in a long time... These races are getting so competitive that one mistake in one heat and your done for the weekend,,now when another racer takes you out that just adds to the frustration (weather by mistake or not) at least with forth place point it keeps you in the running for the weekend...Excellent job NAMBA...makes boaters think twice about staying in your lane....

I'm all for it after last weekend. :D
Here ya go John

Proposal #1: Add a new item to Section 18.J - Heat Racing

5. A boat that fails to complete the heat due to the actions of another boat, that

results in the disqualification of the offending boat, will receive 4th place points

(169 points). This rule will be in affect from the beginning of Pit time until the

end of Course time (Race Time). This does not affect the place of finish or

points awarded to other boats finishing the heat.

the boat came from Don ferrette(notice the smoken Joe's paint job)..came with a mac(sold it) and put one of my monsters in it...really love to drive this beast but still have to get use to the handling attitude of the seaducer mono....Pipe is a new AB 67,,really like the combo...again sorry for the blow over,,still skittish in the turns..but that will change.... :ph34r:
Here ya go John
Proposal #1: Add a new item to Section 18.J - Heat Racing

5. A boat that fails to complete the heat due to the actions of another boat, that

results in the disqualification of the offending boat, will receive 4th place points

(169 points). This rule will be in affect from the beginning of Pit time until the

end of Course time (Race Time). This does not affect the place of finish or

points awarded to other boats finishing the heat.


That is a rather interesting concept and like the idea. We have all seen it happen time and again. Only concern would be if there were 5/6/7 boats that finished and the one that did not would get higher points then those boats. Would have thought that last place points would have been given to the affected boat. That is a far cry better than the 25 for a DNF.

Thanks for the rule help.
Here ya go John
Proposal #1: Add a new item to Section 18.J - Heat Racing

5. A boat that fails to complete the heat due to the actions of another boat, that

results in the disqualification of the offending boat, will receive 4th place points

(169 points). This rule will be in affect from the beginning of Pit time until the

end of Course time (Race Time). This does not affect the place of finish or

points awarded to other boats finishing the heat.


That is a rather interesting concept and like the idea. We have all seen it happen time and again. Only concern would be if there were 5/6/7 boats that finished and the one that did not would get higher points then those boats. Would have thought that last place points would have been given to the affected boat. That is a far cry better than the 25 for a DNF.

Thanks for the rule help.
with this rule you do have the possiability of two fourth place boats...but we have had zero complaints with this new rule and the offending boat receives a DQ
However the impression that I get is that if Mike hadn't DQ'd himself after the race, Rick would have taken a DNF. This is one of the things that sometimes irks me. Why did the CD or Corner watcher not make that call?

Mike I admire you for doing what you did. That is Straight up Dude!

I understand where you are coming from however when you say last place points, you mentioned 5/6/7 in the finish. Think about it the other way. What if only two boats finished. Last place points would be 300. How would you feel about that?

There are pros and cons to this rule. All I can say is this. The rule has been used for many many years in Washington by UNW and RCU. Seven years a go when I went there to race, I saw the rule in effect. I asked one other scale boater from my area who was with me what he thought. We both took the idea before our scale club in So Cal. It was passed. Our district got wind of this rule and passed it also. I later discovered that District 8 has the same rule. This is not a new rule in the districts .............just not that widely known.

At the NAMBA Nationals last year, the rule came up for discussion among the districts and it was there that District 8 said that they would submit the proposal, which they did and it was passed by the general membership.

169 points is not a big consolation for being taken out of a heat when you were holding your lane..............but it still could keep you in the running.


I am going to play devils advocate with you. I can say what I am going to say because I know Mike and Rick and they know me and I in no way mean any harm. What if the CD and corner judge felt that there was not a penalty and lets say that there really wasn't in the real world. But in Mike taking the volunteered DQ, let's say that the 169 points gave Rick the class win for the day because Mike had no chance of winning and they are best buddies looking out for each other.

This is a terrible thing for me to say and I know that Mike and Rick would never think of doing such a thing................ but I know of some and I am sure that we all do that might go to that extent.

I apologize that this post has gone to the length that it has when a boater like Mike, who is a real stand up guy, did what he did for Rick. But this is how we learn what other districts do and hopefully we make racing fair and better for all.


Al Waters

You have many valid points for sure. What if only 1 boat finished the heat? The bonus is even more. A tough balance to strike. I personally like the rule and the reasoning for it. It is not here on the east coast yet (until now in FL). On the down side, as always, it is fraught with potential human error and this sport and hobby is full of it. Just the nature of it. Many judgement calls all the time.

Regarding your comment to Scott - I can see what you are saying. However, the CD still retains final authority over the race and all penalities called. If there is reasonable cause to call an infraction in the first place it should be called. Understand the reluctance for it at times as it could be just as easily considered a racing incident with no penalty called. Even if a racer declares himself DQ'd, that does not mean that the CD must concur. In fact, they may not. A strong backbone is needed for a CD for getting it in both directions. It is not easy being a CD and many don't want the prospects of these decisions coming their way.
I like the rule alot only thing i have is when you are bumping side to side and one boat gets washed down thats racing i dont think he should be dq on that, from what i have seen so far it works great. Robert
Here in dist. 8 we ran with the rule last year and had no problems. The scale guy's have had no problems that I am aware of. I Think you are trying to micro-manige it, Give it a try Most up here feel that it is fair and just. Greg
had the pleasure of running my c-mono last weekend in a local race...one problem during the race i drifted out wide and the roostertail blew over my buddy Rick...MY Bad
When the race was done i DQ myself and Rick was awarded 4th place points...Rick never said a word after the wide turn...man i felt bad....

Next time.... :lol:
I had the same thing thing happen at the winternats , I hit a dead boat lightly in B Hydro and no one called it . I did the right thing as well and DQ'ed myself as the CD did not see it. I get no satisfaction from winning dishonorably ! I was really surprised at those that thought I was nuts for DQ ing myself !!! There is honor out there ! :lol:
That is what i was asking to Ed or when 2 boats touching going down back straight touching and one dies out.
Way to go guys! ....Remembering our racing is just a hobby, all for fun, and we have to go back to work on Mondays, that's what's important......

Mike Allen please give me a call when you can.

Ron Ratoff <_<

Namba District 3 Director

[email protected]