First Jae21G2 ready to Race in Portugal


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New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Hi fellows, in Portugal he have a Open Class in the Championship, any boat, any motor, gaz, nitro, electro, im the first racing with a Rigger, i have finished a jae21g2.

Using a 7port Novarossi 3.5cc, a direct Mac pipe, 1450.

The carb is from a old Super Tigre 61 plane motor...need modds, the original carb is car slider.

Video first run

What do you think?

Regards from Portugal






Lipo glutton_.jpg


Hi Roger

Nice boat and great place to play.My only suggestion would be change the prop nut for a smaller one as yours looks bigger than the prop hub so can cause some drag to your performance.


Glll from Brazil
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Hi Gill, thks , im waiting for a new flex chaft more longer to use a bullet termination nut, also im going test a rotary Novarossi carb, i think this older ST G20 carb dont have enough flow.

Valeu. :D

Roger, you are running pretty good, you might look at shortening that pipe length, looks pretty long. do you guy's use any nitro in your fuel?
Hi fellows, thks, i apreciate very well your openion, the pipe is a MAC1120 from Macs with 11"lenght and im using Tornado Hely fuel with 30 per cent nitro, you sugest to cut the input of pipe or just tune the silicone join?

Regards :)
cut the front of the pipe and measure the 8 inches from the glow plug around the header to the weld, or center of the fat part of the pipe. start there and let it rip.
also, this may sound crazy to you... but cut that cooling head to 3 maybe 4 fins. .21 motors need to run hot. you are cooling too much with that cooling head fully exposed to the wind and water. it is designed to be used under a car cowl, that is why so many fins. If you can get it.. run 60% nitro..
agree with Rick on the pipe, Glenn will tell you 3 1/2 inches from glow plug to the peak/fat part of the pipe, I'm running the same pipe on a 21 keep. Measure from the glow plug to fat part of pipe. I'll have to measure mine the way Rick indicated to see if it is the same.