FE Racers


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2002
Talk about the Gaza strip of forums!

Why is it that FE Racers seem to cause most of the dramas? (not excluding myself here either, but that is over)

Talk about the Gaza strip of forums!
Why is it that FE Racers seem to cause most of the dramas? (not excluding myself here either, but that is over)

Kris, could it be that you FE guys are all AMP'd up from sniffin' way toooooooo many vented cells :p :p :p


Johno :p :p
Are you SURE you want my opinion? :eek:

It is due to the historic lack of adequate moderation on the Red board, where most FE boaters "learned" to play together on-line. A few posters there realized that there were virtually no consequences for bad behavior, bad manners, poor judgement, etc. so they indulged themselves like spoiled children. They then brought those practices to other boards, with predictable results.

There are threads here that should have been deleted by moderators right after they started, with warnings to those who behaved badly. Those warnings need to followed up with suspensions if the violators repeat. That is the way to stop bad behavior, a firm stand and zero tolerence. Few moderators will do that.

Are you SURE you want my opinion? :eek:
It is due to the historic lack of adequate moderation on the Red board, where most FE boaters "learned" to play together on-line. A few posters there realized that there were virtually no consequences for bad behavior, bad manners, poor judgement, etc. so they indulged themselves like spoiled children. They then brought those practices to other boards, with predictable results.

There are threads here that should have been deleted by moderators right after they started, with warnings to those who behaved badly. Those warnings need to followed up with suspensions if the violators repeat. That is the way to stop bad behavior, a firm stand and zero tolerence. Few moderators will do that.



there was a time i blamed everything on the red board as well but after traveling around visiting other boards on a varitey of topics i see this behavior [pun] almost across the board these days...

it seems on the internet folks can be whomever and whatever they please and some folks just have no life beyond posting on forums for fun...

on the fast electric subject, a long and bitter battle over new rules needed to govern new technology [namely Lipo] has lines being drawn and in the sand and folks dig'n in on thier particular side of issues...

unwilling to compromise, and with no leadership coming from the BOD of eighter organization it doesn't look good for a change any time soon...

my 2 cents...

unwilling to compromise, and with no leadership coming from the BOD of eighter organization it doesn't look good for a change any time soon...
You have no faith in the members Ron, remember that the organizations are run by the members. Shame on you for sounding so doom and gloom... ;)

BTW are you racing again? B)

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unwilling to compromise, and with no leadership coming from the BOD of eighter organization it doesn't look good for a change any time soon...
You have no faith in the members Ron, remember that the organizations are run by the members. Shame on you for sounding so doom and gloom... ;)

BTW are you racing again? B)


i do sound down huh Jay :)

i'll put it this way... i'd like to see the BOD form up a rules panel that represents all sectors of the country and all points of view and moderate the discourse in arriving at a set of Lipo rules

racing... i'm gonna run S & T-Mono straightlines at FE-IV in Valdosta

i helped get the FE series going and haven't missed a FE series record time trials event yet...

now isn't the time to start...

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I think the real reason is the ever changing technology in F/E . Most of the infighting and bickering are being caused over who thinks what should be as far as rules and proposals and the way F/E should be run. The reason you don't see it magnified quite as much in gas/nitro is they have had a pretty well established set of rules for some time. If some common ground could be reached on rules for both IMPBA and NAMBA and you guys would just get to racing, some of it will take care of itself. That fact that some guys have drawn a hard line in the sand on their stance and opinions regarding other boaters, it will be very hard to every overcome. The downside will be when the one's that seem to think they are golden and beyond anyone else's opinion get what they want with the rules proposals because the little guy quit fighting. Time will tell, I wish you guys the best of luck growing F/E and taking down the barriers that keep you all from being one. If I have said it once , I have said it a million times- We are all out to do the same thing- have FUN racing RC boats , no matter what makes em go ;)

Not looking for a fight, just sharing MY opinion.

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Just after I joined the board there was a massive explosion in members...before my time (geeze I am sounding old already and I am only 22 LOL) the board was very informative and anyone who posted only posted useful information and not argued about BS. My feeling is that Tom tried to keep the peace and not HAVE to get tough on people like other foums sometimes have to, but I guess things change. From memory there is only 1 person that has ever actually been banned (maybe 2) from this forum...

Anyways If people have grudges from other boards LEAVE THEM THERE and cut the BS over here...we dont need to read about it on many different forums every couple of weeks/months (As I said I am going to stop)

Actually I think has been 3 or 4 guys. I think one is for ever.

Just after I joined the board there was a massive explosion in members...before my time (geeze I am sounding old already and I am only 22 LOL) the board was very informative and anyone who posted only posted useful information and not argued about BS. My feeling is that Tom tried to keep the peace and not HAVE to get tough on people like other foums sometimes have to, but I guess things change. From memory there is only 1 person that has ever actually been banned (maybe 2) from this forum...
Anyways If people have grudges from other boards LEAVE THEM THERE and cut the BS over here...we dont need to read about it on many different forums every couple of weeks/months (As I said I am going to stop)

I believe the problem is exactly the same as what happened when gasoline engines started to become popular over 10 years ago. People without a long history in the hobby bought the new engines and hulls. They were sure that their boats were unique and needed separate and different rules from everyone else. Rapid improvements in engine technology caused repeated rule changes. This has all mellowed over time and gas engine powered boats are becoming as common as nitro engine powered boats. The gas racers are accepted as real model boaters and are becoming old timers themselves.

The one difference I see in the electric classes is that they are not usually raced at the same events as the other power plants. I hope the inclusion of electric classes in District 19 will change this. When everyone races together there is a chance for learning on both sides. If I had not attended the Legg Lake straight line runs with electric boats, I would still think they were the slow battery powered toys you get your kids for Christmas.

Lohring Miller
It is truely sad to me..... the point of the passion for the boats is lost in this BS. I just want a place to share and enjoy my boats and the work that others are doing. I no longer feel at home any whare on the internet of FE. To me it takes people and inter action to make this sport full and rounded. I try to keep focused on the projects that I am doing and try to rise above. I read what people say and can not belive they are so crule and vile at times. It is doing no good for any one.

When we get together at the races or meets no one ever acts this way.
By the way, congratulations to both Bill Oxidean for his four new oval records and Randy Naylor's heats with his new electric Striker in the very tough Open Cat class at the Gold Rush Championships this weekend. This is the kind of effort that will get electrics recognized and accepted.

Lohring Miller
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