Having a heat wave today so maybe I ought to head to the beach, it's a balmy 40 degrees right now, the first day in weeks that it's been above the 20's and 30's. We've got to hang on though as yet another snowstorm is supposed to hit this weekend.
There's just something about a white Christmas that I'd really miss living in the southern climes. I only remember one year of that as it reached 68 degrees that day. Headed out to my parents house by the lake and there were water skiers! They were wearing wetsuits though as the water was still ice-cold.
wow that guy blowing snow out his but has talent.....I grew up in ft Lauderdale and wouldn't give you 2 cents for the place now a days....besides that they must give out drivers licenses at sears cause everyone is nut when they get behind the wheel there....but it does offer great boating big or rc and I miss that....living in Mississippi now...we get afew of the seasons still.....
Jeez guys, it's December 25th and it was 81 degrees here today. It will probably cool down to the mid 40's tonight. We have weather like this about 330 days a year. A REALLY, REALLY cold day here is 55 degrees, but a really hot day is about 85.
Okay so I did the cold thing for 17 years in Abq and it's one of the reasons I came home. That's not near as bad as a lot of places but as cold as this FL girl could stand. Don't know how you brave souls up north and mid west do it ALL winter long.
Massive bugs, alligators, high temps and humidity plus hurricanes and huge floods associated with them. We don't have that stuff up here, it's a trade-off. The snow really hasn't been that bad here the past few years, this year so far we've seen more snow than the past 3 or 4 together. The cold sucks but our skin is thicker and we adapt quickly to it.
It's just the pro's and con's of wherever you live. Yeah, I'm in SW Michigan which is a lot better than living in Minnesota! They get the brunt of the Yankee Clipper where we get it in weakened form.
I'd prefer to live in a happy medium area of the country but I'm kind of stuck here. We get our sweltering hot and humid days also.
I've been watching Jeni Johnson's postings on Facebook as they're humorous! She's visiting her daughter for 2 weeks in Iowa and not used to the cold. She was wondering "What was I thinking!" when she packed 4 tank-tops for the trip as most days it's been just above zero there.