Hi Guys,
maybe piont out to these poeple that the landscapers that apply chemicals to, and cut the grass near the pond are the ones they should be concerned about. Fertilizer/weed killer runoff itself is a huge problem.
then too, one garbage truck traveling through a park to pick up the trash usually puts out a huge, smelly cloud of black, sooty smoke........... why are these watchdogs not pointing and screaming at them??
Does anyone use these ponds for fishing? Why is it that many people who fish think nothing of throwing empty bait contianers, soda cans, tangled fishing line, McDonalds bags, and who knows what all into the pond
I don't believe I've ever seen a mess left behind when a boater leaves...........most of us are careful to clean up after ourselves.
As for residual air/water polution, if they want to stop model boating at their pond they should also seek to ban vehicle traffic and the use of internel combustion lawn care equipment for a 2 mile radius.
Bob the Fool :blink: